Beginner's Mind... Issue 12.01.23
Fernando Lopez
CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER AND OPERATIONS | GLOBAL LEADER specializing in forward-thinking Finance, Operations and leading People to transform into excellence. Building companies to thrive even through stormy weather.
You may not know this, but last Tuesday Charlie Munger unfortunately passed away.
Who was Charlie Munger? He was the Chairman of Bekshire Hathaway, he was the closets partner of Warren Buffet and practically a statesman of society, business and investments.
I remember that reading his articles or listening to his presentation were literally a whole lecture with deep meaning always yet in simple terms. I almost needed go over twice or more to understand what he said.
This time my invitation is to learn about this man, his work, his life and philosophy in life and in business. In other words, his legacy! So, today I only have one invitation and one question for you (and for myself), the invitation is to learn more about this man, and the question is:
What is your legacy?
Think about it!
Sensible loss!