Beginner's Mind... Issue 11.29.24
Fernando Lopez
CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER AND OPERATIONS | GLOBAL LEADER specializing in forward-thinking Finance, Operations and leading People to transform into excellence. Building companies to thrive even through stormy weather.
Yes, today is Friday and for most common consumers is BLACK FRIDAY. It is the opportunity to spend money with the hope to find a good “deal” or at least with the expectation of feeling better. I think, there is much more to add to these sentences but bear with me.
Think about this, after you spend the money what happens:
-You go back home and share with friends or family about your "accomplishment".
-You get to put on what you bought, install, use or share it with friends and family indoors, outdoors, etc.
-After few more days, the “fever” has faded and is not as exciting or you start to think that you really didn’t need it.
Many articles have been written about this, from consumerism to social manipulation and from marketing “strategies’ to mass hysteria and stress relief. ?
At this point, if you are one of these consumers that already fall in the trap and ended up spending time and money? Don’t worry about it, however, it is an excellent opportunity to learn more about yourself (cause-effect), what sort of “triggers” created the unconscious reaction? What can I do to use the experience in my favor? Can I use this new knowledge of “me” in things that can give me a higher return of money, time, energy?
The answers may change your spending behavior for the better.
Think about it...