A beginners introduction to MVC
Design: Canvascom

A beginners introduction to MVC


MVC is a software design pattern for creating computer user interfaces. It separates internal representations of data from how data is presented to or accepted by the user by dividing a specific software programme into three interconnected sections.

The?Model?comprises all of the data, i.e the data logic utilised by your application, such as tables and collections.

The?View?represents how data received from the model is presented to the user. the frontend or GUI (Graphical user interface).

The?Control?is the brain i.e it controls the logic that updates the view and/or the model in response to user input.

Why Use MVC?

MVC is a popular design style that has been around for a long time. It's a tried-and-true design that's also adaptable, so you can use it to structure your code in any way that makes sense for your project.

MVC has various advantages over alternative structures, including:

  • MVC allows you to isolate concerns (an object's responsibility) from its presentation (the way that objects looks). This improves testability and readability since you don't have to care about how something appears while testing or debugging; instead, all attention should be focused on what each concern performs.
  • It improves logic layer separation since each layer can be examined individually without influencing anything else in the system (and thus with less risk). Furthermore, if one layer fails, no other components will suffer as a result of its failure—this helps prevent defects from propagating too fast throughout an application! The separation of concerns also improves reusability since each component may be utilised in multiple situations without causing any changes.

Conclusion: The separation of concerns is the most appealing concept of the MVC pattern. By managing the frontend and backend as separate components, the project becomes scalable, maintainable, and easy to expand.

I don’t know much about web development but I think that I need a website and you can help me??.



