The Beginner's Guide to useEffect in React: Exploring Its Use Cases

The Beginner's Guide to useEffect in React: Exploring Its Use Cases

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and it provides developers with a powerful toolset to create interactive web applications. One of the fundamental concepts in React is the useEffect hook, which allows you to perform side effects in your components. In this article, we will explore what useEffect is, how it works, and its various use cases, accompanied by code snippets. Whether you're new to React or just getting started with hooks, this guide will help you understand and leverage the power of useEffect.

What is useEffect?

The useEffect hook is a built-in function in React that allows you to perform side effects in functional components. Side effects refer to any operation that affects something outside the scope of the component, such as data fetching, subscriptions, or DOM manipulation. With useEffect, you can handle these side effects within your components.

The Basics of useEffect:

To use useEffect, you need to import it from the 'react' module. The basic syntax for useEffect is as follows:

import React, { useEffect } from 'react'

function MyComponent() {
 useEffect(() => {
? ? // Side effect code goes here
? ? // This code will run after every render
? });
//end of useEffect
? return (
? ? // JSX for rendering the component
? );


In the example above, we define a functional component called MyComponent and use the useEffect hook inside it. The function passed to useEffect will run after every render of the component.

Running Effects Once (ComponentDidMount):

By default, useEffect runs after every render. However, in some cases, you may only want to run an effect once, similar to the componentDidMount lifecycle method in class components. To achieve this, you can provide an empty dependency array as the second argument to useEffect:

useEffect(() => 
? // Code to run once
}, []);


Now, the effect will only run when the component is mounted, and not on subsequent re-renders.

Cleaning Up Effects (ComponentWillUnmount):

In class components, the componentWillUnmount method is used to clean up any resources or subscriptions created by the component. With useEffect, you can achieve the same functionality by returning a cleanup function from the effect:

useEffect(() => 
? // Code to run
? return () => {
? ? // Cleanup code goes here
? };
}, []);


The cleanup function will be executed when the component is unmounted or before the effect runs again (if any dependencies change).

Running Effects on Dependency Change:

In many cases, you may want to run an effect when specific dependencies change. For example, if you fetch data from an API based on a prop or state value, you want the effect to run whenever that value changes. To achieve this, you can provide a dependency array as the second argument to useEffect:

useEffect(() => 
? // Code to run when dependencies change
}, [dependency1, dependency2]);


The effect will be executed whenever any of the dependencies in the array change.

Combining Multiple Effects:

A component can have multiple useEffect hooks to handle different side effects independently. Each effect can have its own dependencies and cleanup function. For example:

useEffect(() => 
? // Effect 1
? // Code to run when effect 1's dependencies change
}, [dependency1]);

useEffect(() => {
? // Effect 2
? // Code to run when effect 2's dependencies change
}, [dependency2]);


Controlling the Effect Dependency Array:

By default, all the variables referenced inside the effect function are considered dependencies, and the effect will re-run whenever any of them change. However, sometimes you may want to skip re-running the effect based on certain conditions. To achieve this, you can use a functional dependency array:

useEffect(() => 
? // Code to run when dependencies change
}, [() => {
? // Condition to skip re-running the effect
? // Return true to re-run, false to skip


For example, let's say you have a state variable called isLoading, and you only want the effect to re-run if isLoading is true:

useEffect(() => 
? // Code to run when dependencies change
}, [() => isLoading]);


In this case, the effect will be re-run whenever the value of isLoading changes. If isLoading is true, the effect runs; if it's false, the effect is skipped.

Using a functional dependency in the dependency array can be useful in scenarios where you want more fine-grained control over when the effect should be re-run.

Summary and Best Practices:

  • useEffect allows you to perform side effects in functional components.
  • Use an empty dependency array to run effects once (componentDidMount).
  • Return a cleanup function to clean up resources (componentWillUnmount).
  • Provide dependencies in the dependency array to run effects on change.
  • You can have multiple useEffect hooks in a component.
  • Use a functional dependency array to control when the effect should re-run.


In this article, we covered the basics of useEffect in React and explored its various use cases with code snippets. By understanding the concepts behind useEffect, you can effectively manage side effects in your React components and build powerful and interactive applications. Keep practicing and experimenting with useEffect to unleash its full potential in your projects. Happy coding!

Ibukun Anjorin

Executive Trainee

1 年

Always great to have such a topic explained in a clear and concise way. Not too common in coding. Kudos Ebuka.

Thanks you ebuka ...this is really lovely


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