The beginner's guide for saving and investment
Ishu Bansal
Optimizing logistics and transportation with a passion for excellence | Building Ecosystem for Logistics Industry | Analytics-driven Logistics
You might have heard your parents telling you to stop spending everything you earn and start saving. Have you wondered why? Why do you need to save when you are toiling hard to earn money? The answer is simple: Security. The money you save today will pay you in the future when you face any uncertainty.??
If you are in your 20s, the idea of spending every single penny might be lucrative because you have no responsibilities. You can easily postpone the idea of saving and investing. But remember, you need money to meet your long-term goals like buying a car, home, getting married, etc. The objective is to save and start investing now to meet your goals in the long run.?
People don't save because they don't have a goal in mind or don't know how much to save. They continue to spend until they realize they are broke at the end of the month. Every one in five working adults struggles with the habit of saving. Some say they don't have high-paying jobs and can't save, while others live a life they can't afford. While a few who can save find investing a complex procedure.?If you spare a few bucks and start investing, your money will grow with compound interest. Saving money isn't hard if you develop some good habits. Swap a cup of coffee at Starbucks with homemade coffee, and you'll end up saving a little as Rs.500 every month.
But saving isn't the end. Investing allows you to grow your money. Today when everything is available at a swipe, investing is no longer different. You can automate investment with various tools. The right time is now.?
For instance, if you save Rs.500/month and enjoy the 5-6% interest in a saving account, you can earn a higher return by investing. You'll enjoy a return of 5-10% more when you invest money. Thus saving is an unproductive exercise without investing.?
The real question is not how much you should save or invest but rather where to begin. Because there is still a lack of financial literacy in schools and colleges, many working adults are unaware of various investment opportunities.?
So, let's begin and see how you can develop a habit of saving and invest that money to grow.?
How to start saving?
Let's jump to the real part and start saving. Imagine you are in your early 20s and have started a job. You have a job that pays you an average salary of Rs.20,000-25,0000.?
You have no savings in your account and wanted to learn more about it.?
1.Start with a budget
Budget? No, I'm not tracking my money. I know this sounds like a real task, but here's a trick which you help you prepare a budget in no time.?
Use a traditional pen and paper method or create an excel spreadsheet. Now divide it into three columns - Income, Expenses and Miscellaneous.
Write down all your sources of income like salary, side hustle, etc. Let's say your total income is Rs.30,000.?
Now break down your income into regular expenses. When I say expenses, I want you to divide them into two categories: Recurring, Non-Recurring.?
Recurring expenses are done daily or monthly expenses like - Rent, water and electricity, credit card bills, home loan, grocery, etc.?
Non-recurring expenses happen once in a while, like traveling, going out for a movie or lunch, etc. Let's say your total expenses are Rs. 20,000.?
Once you set aside the amount for expenses, it's time to save some, i.e., Rs. 5000 for miscellaneous or uncertain events like illness, accident, etc.?
Now you have Rs.5000 left with you. What to do next? We'll talk about this in the next part.?
2.Have two separate accounts?
If you keep Rs.5000 in the same account where you receive your salary, then chances are you'll end up using the amount. Instead, open a personal account where you can bump all your savings.?
Once you know your monthly expenses, you can credit the remaining amount to this account.?
3. Have a long and short term goal?
It is important to have both long and short-term savings goals. Short-term goals include buying a house, a car, getting married, and so on, whereas long-term goals include saving for retirement.
Calculate how much money you'll need to save each month from reaching your goal.
If you believe your current job is insufficient to meet your needs, you can start a side hustle or invest your money to grow.
4.Pay yourself first?
"Do not save what is left after spending; instead, spend what is left after saving."
― Warren Buffett
Do you know why most people can't save? It's because they think of spending before saving. The golden rule of saving, however, is to "pay yourself first." Yes, once you've determined that you need to save "X" amount per month, set that amount aside before making any purchases. This one habit can keep you from feeling guilty about spending your money.
How much should I save?
Many people tell me that they will start saving once they have more money. They believe that saving and investing entails managing multiple dollars. But remember that if you start saving Rs.50 per day, you will end up saving Rs.18000 per year.
The harsh reality is that there is no time to begin saving. If you wait for the right time, it will never come.
Your short and long-term goals determine the amount you should save. You must decide what the bare minimum is for you to save in order to meet your long-term objectives.
There is no one-size-fits-all formula, but here is one approach you can follow: the 50/30/20 rule.
The rule states that you should spend 50% of your income on recurring expenses and 30% on non-recurring expenses.
Is there a way to save more?
Do you ever feel that it's time to save more, but something always comes up? Your friends asked for a staycation; you ordered food twice a week, your car broke on the way - this way, savings take a back seat.?
Here's one approach that helped me save more in my early 20s.?
Make a tracking sheet if you follow a conventional approach like me. If not, there are many apps today to help you keep track of your income and expenses.?
Keep track of where your money is going. Divide the spending into different categories like food, travel, overhaul, etc., and see where most of your money is going.?
If you spend much on eating out, start cooking at home, looking for better options for EMIs, credit card payments, wait for a discount on shopping.?
There are some habits that, while minor, will end up blowing your budget every month. It's time to assess and correct them.
Basics of Investing?
Now that you have some money saved up, you might be wondering, "What should I do?" Is it better to keep it in my bank account or invest it?
But before that, it's important to address the question - Why should I invest?
Let us understand it with an example -
Say you end up saving Rs.20,000 every year. Now you have two options to keep it in a savings account or invest it to grow. Suppose you keep this in saving account for the next 10 years, you end up with the same or 2-4% growth in your money.?
But if you invest it, you'll end up with 10-15% of growth in your money. Now, which option will you choose? Rationally the latter one allows your money to grow and not sit idle in your account.?
But where can I invest?
In India, there are multiple options to invest your money. Let's look at a few evergreen ways to invest -?
Each investment opportunity has its pros and cons. I recommend that you read up on each of these methods, seek advice from financial experts, and invest wisely.
Remember, there's an investment rule: Never put all the eggs in one basket. The idea is that if one investment fails, you don't lose your entire money. You can still expect better results from other investment opportunities.?
Bottom Line?
Saving is a critical component of developing financial security. Nothing is certain hence it's important to save money and invest it to pay you back during the tough times. Develop a few habits that help you save more. Don't wait until you have all the riches; start saving today with where you are and what you have.?
Before we end this blog, I want you to get done with three important things - Write down your financial goals, determine how much money you need to save for those goals, start looking for investment opportunities to grow your money.?
"In the long run, it's not just how much money you make that will determine your future prosperity. It's how much of that money you put to work by saving it and investing it."
~ Peter Lynch