A Beginner’s Guide to Psychedelics – What To Know Before You Begin
Kira Callahan
FOUNDER - SOUL to VOICE TRANSFORMATIONAL SERVICES, Facilitator, Coach and Speaker. Vocalist, Multi-Instrumentalist. Coralus Activator.
The Psychedelic Renaissance is fast approaching a tipping point.?You may not have experimented with, been interested in or even been curious about these substances before, but lately, you can’t help noticing the topic popping up all over the place.?
Some reasons for this:
·???????Over 300 institutions worldwide are now studying psychedelic medicines
·???????The US FDA has designated MDMA (ecstasy) and psilocybin (magic mushrooms) Breakthrough Therapy status and there is a high probability that MDMA-assisted psychotherapy will be approved by the FDA in late 2024
·???????Numerous celebrities in sports and entertainment have publicly shared their positive psychedelic experiences
·???????An underground railroad of military veterans are traveling abroad to obtain treatment, having heard many stories of healing from their peers
·???????Psychedelic medicines for the treatment of PTSD, addiction and treatment-resistant depression have support across the political spectrum
Psychedelic medicines have changed my life for the better, which is why I feel it important to “come out of the closet” and share what I can, so that others may also benefit.?
Due to some early life traumas, I suffered from constant anxiety and bouts of depression.?My first high-dose Ceremony or “trip” took place December 30th, 2020, and I think of my life as before and after that date – the “after” being far better than the “before”!?
Working with psychedelic medicines for emotional and mental healing is not a one and done event, but a process.?Each person finds their own pace with tripping.?
For me, having a Ceremony about once every couple of months is a good rhythm.?This pacing provides me with as much healing, and as many insights and perspective shifts that I can handle at a time, and properly integrate into my life. ?Others may find one or two high-dose experiences in a year more than enough.
The pacing that works for you is something you will discover over time.?But first, what do you need to know to get started?
Foundational Pillars of Safety when working with psychedelics
Which one should you choose??There is a great variety of psychedelics to choose from.?Different molecules have different effects.?As society comes to embrace psychedelic medicines, fluency with the available molecules will become a skillset of its own.?For the sake of this article, let’s stick with the two most studied and nearest to legal access:?MDMA (ecstasy or “molly”) and psilocybin (magic mushrooms).
Magic Mushrooms are a classic psychedelic, producing the visual distortions and visions that inspired the nick name.?Acting on the brain’s serotonin receptors, they induce altered states of consciousness and, quite reliably, produce mystical experiences.?
In my personal experience, magic mushrooms are a sacred medicine that takes me deep into my subconscious mind and the “higher mind” of the universe.?They show me patterns that are keeping me stuck, they help me release trapped emotional energy, heal from trauma, and find a healthier path forward.?Magic Mushrooms are known as “feel it to heal it” medicine.?Often challenging, sometimes blissful, always a gift.
MDMA is not a classic psychedelic but does induce an altered state of consciousness and therefore is considered part of the larger family of psychedelic medicines.?It is the gentlest psychedelic, and, if you are ready for a high-dose trip, a good one to start with for several reasons.?MDMA is a stimulant – you are lucid for the whole experience.?If you have a fear of surrendering or losing control, MDMA feels the closest to waking consciousness.?It is also an empathogen.?This molecule reduces activity in the amygdala, lowering the fear response, and floods the body with serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which together creates feelings of self-love, empathy and safety.
HARM REDUCTION NOTE:?MDMA is contraindicated for anyone with cardiac issues.
I worked almost exclusively with MDMA for the first year.?Once I had passed the fear-of-the-unknown phase and the medicine had worked its way through my body, my first “come up” on MDMA was beautiful.?A lifetime of anxiety was washed away, to be replaced by a feeling of physical and emotional wellbeing and peace.?It was… well, ecstatic!?
MDMA-assisted psychotherapy was designated a Breakthrough Therapy for PTSD by the FDA because this increased level of experiential safety allows for difficult memories and emotions to gradually surface and heal, with the support of therapy.?A perfect medicine for a previously intractable condition.
At time of this writing, neither magic mushrooms nor MDMA are legal in North America.?There are currently several legal psychedelic retreats in Jamaica, the Netherlands and in South American countries.?Indigenous communities the world over, including in Canada and the United States, have legal protection to use natural psychedelic medicines as part of their spiritual practices.?There are also a growing number of clinical studies which may provide legal opportunity to experience psychedelics.
And of course, there is a thriving underground psychedelic ecosystem.
A key pillar of safe tripping is pure medicine.?Choose a trustworthy source.?The best way to ensure this is through personal recommendations.??
You have chosen your Medicine – now what?
The other key considerations are Set and Setting.?Set refers to your mindset or psychological state when tripping and Setting – all elements of the environment in which you choose to trip.
The phrase “set and setting” was first coined by Dr. Timothy Leary, in the 60’s, during his research into psychedelic substances.?The impact of set and setting on the experience and outcome of psychedelic journeying has become widely accepted as a foundational principle of both harm reduction and positive outcomes.
Set – or Mindset
HARM REDUCTION NOTE:?Psychedelics are contraindicated for anyone with schizophrenia or a history of psychosis.
How I prepare.?I take time to meditate and sit with the things I want to get out of Ceremony.?This is a process of focusing the mind – setting an Intention.?I explore what I am struggling with or where I feel stuck, how I want my life to be different and better, afterwards.?In the early days of my psychedelic work, I would come to Ceremony with a huge list of things to accomplish.?I now look upon that earlier me with compassion and humour.?After many high-dose Ceremonies, I can say that more than two or three intentions is unrealistic and puts unhelpful pressure on your psyche.
In the days leading up to Ceremony, I reduce my intake of negative news and media.?I take more walks and connect with people I love.
The morning of Ceremony, I focus again on my intentions.?I do my best to find a peaceful centre point – but I’m always a bit nervous – every time!?Psychedelic medicines are no joke.?They must ALWAYS be approached with respect.?No two journeys are alike.?Having a positive, euphoric experience one time does NOT mean the next one will be the same.?
Remember, when using psychedelics, you are dancing with your own consciousness, including the shadows that lurk below the surface, and you are working with the power of the medicine, and a higher level of consciousness.?
If, in reading this article you feel cocky, arrogant, or dismissive, I invite you to watch any number of YouTube videos featuring Navy Seals discussing their experiences with psychedelics.?They UNIFORMLY treat them with reverence and respect.?Psychedelics are the great equalizer.
Which brings me to the last main consideration.
Setting refers to where and with whom you sit.?For your first high-dose experience, it’s not a good idea to trip alone.?No matter how much you research ahead of time, being in an altered state of consciousness is disorientating.?It is important to have someone you trust there to watch out for you, keep you safe, guide you to the bathroom, bring water and offer comfort when needed.
Every element of your environment has an impact on your journey.?Clean, tidy, restful:?good.?Cluttered overbright, visually noisy:?bad.?One of the most important predictors of a positive experience is your felt sense of comfort and safety.?What generates this will be different for each person.
Some people would only ever feel safe in a doctor’s office under the watchful eye of an MD or psychologist.?For me, it’s hard to imagine a more alienating setting than that!?There is no right or wrong, here.?Truly – the best choice is what feels right for you.
For me, psychedelic medicines are sacred.?Therefore, the right environment for me is a sacred environment.?Sacred means different things to different people.?I prefer working one-on-one with a few seasoned and trusted psychedelic guides.?They are spiritual people, and each have extensive personal experience with the medicines.?They are also grounded in other disciplines such as martial arts, meditation, yoga, breathwork and/or somatic therapies.?They are intuitive artists of “holding sacred space”. ?They bring love, creativity, and mindfulness to their selection of music, their choice of sacred objects, scents, opening and closing practices, and every other element of this special day.
Some psychedelic guides receive celebrants in their homes, others have found beautiful spaces that they rent for ceremonial work.?Your guide will offer helpful guidance for what to wear, what to bring, and how to prepare your mind, your body, and your soul for the journey ahead.
If this all sounds “significant”, good.?It is!
This article is an attempt to provide you with some foundational knowledge of working with psychedelics.?
In Summary, first, be safe.?Avoid psychedelics altogether if you have a history of psychosis or schizophrenia and avoid MDMA if you have cardiac issues.?Choose a safe physical environment, and journey with an experienced person whom you trust.?Discuss your goals and intentions with them to help decide medicine and dosage that is right for you.
Second, enjoy!?Psychedelics are magical!?For me, they continue to be profoundly healing and empowering, and a glorious adventure, too.?I wish the same for you.