A Beginner's Guide to NPM and NPX with Hardhat
Patrick Ehimen
Blockchain Developer & Web3 Wordsmith || Bridging code & crypto insights || Buidling the future of decentralized tech || Nextjs(React) | TypeScript | Solidity | Rust | Ethers.js | Node.js
One of the tools I immediately came to value as a new developer entering the field of Ethereum programming is Hardhat. A set of tools for creating and testing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain are available through the open-source development environment Hardhat.
I'll describe how to create and test smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain using Hardhat, npm, and npx in this article.
Let's start by defining each tool. The JavaScript package manager NPM, or Node Package Manager, is used to manage project dependencies. It makes it simple for developers to install and upgrade the libraries and packages they need for a project. It comes installed with Node.js. You can install Node.js using this?link
You can check the npm version using the following command:
npm -v
NPX, short for Node Package Executor, is a tool that, on the other hand, enables developers to run Node.js packages without the need to install them globally on their devices.
Both npm and npx are crucial resources to have in your toolkit when it comes to developing for Ethereum. They serve many functions, though. The many packages and dependencies required for creating and deploying smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain are installed and managed using NPM. For instance, you would issue the following command to install the Hardhat development environment:
npm install --save-dev hardhat
After installing Hardhat, you may use npx to create a new Hardhat project that contains the files and directories required for developing and deploying smart contracts.
npx hardhat
The use of npx in Ethereum development may also be seen in the hardhat test cases that are executed on smart contracts. This command will run every test case specified in the project's test folder.
npx hardhat node
With the help of this command, you can communicate with the blockchain and deploy your smart contract while also launching the local development blockchain network and Hardhat console.
In conclusion, it's critical to comprehend how to use npm and npx in conjunction with tools like Hardhat as a beginning Ethereum developer. In contrast to npx, which is used to execute commands and scripts relevant to Ethereum development, NPM is used to manage the many packages and dependencies required for creating and deploying smart contracts. You will be able to effectively create and deploy smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain and test them in a secure local setting by becoming proficient with these tools.