???It's fantastic and daunting to start a blog for the first time.

believing that someone will read what you wrote and perhaps even share it. I can't think of another emotion like it.

???However, not everything is sunshine and butterflies. Starting a blog is a lot of work, and there are several traps to avoid. particularly if you are a novice.In fact, there are so many hazards that we had to create this guide.?????

??There are some things? that I wish I had known before launching my first blogs. You won't have to commit these errors yourself this way!

Things to consider before beginning a blog

??????I've chosen to concentrate on the most difficult aspects of creating a blog with the help of the following resource.

Everything will be covered, including technology, writing, SEO, graphic design, marketing, tools, security, and a zillion other topics.

Let's tackle SEO first, as it has undoubtedly been the most crucial aspect of many bloggers' careers.

???Let's speak more explicitly about how simple SEO is and the typical errors new bloggers make.

Tens of thousands of visitors can be attracted each month using SEO.

???The practice of optimizing your content for search engines like Google is known as SEO, or search engine optimization.

Keyword research, link building (the process of obtaining links to your website from other websites to enhance your search ranks), and a plethora of additional acts required for best performance are all included under the general term "SEO."

???But more on that in the section that follows. For the time being, launching a blog should take this method into consideration even though it may seem complicated. It operates as follows:


?Look for keywords in your niche that have a moderately low ranking difficulty.


To view the volume and difficulty of keyword searches, utilize a tool like Ahrefs or Moz. Here is what it looks like to use Ahrefs for keyword research:

???When creating a blog, using Ahrefs for keyword research II. Make the greatest online content you can for the subject and keyword you've selected.


Here, there are two steps:

???Choose the terms you wish to use when beginning a blog first. But don't make assumptions. There's more to this.

The only keywords you should use are those that are both in demand and for which you can rank. The complexity of keywords varies, and some will regrettably be above what you can target in your first years of blogging.

???So that's the first step, okay. The second step is to produce content around (or for) those keywords.

???Look at the top 10 results on Google to determine what's currently trending, and then make your post as good as you can.? ? Better pictures, in-depth explanations, links to further resources, or a combination of all of the above, for example, could be included.

III. Invest the same amount of time in promoting the content as you did in producing it. perhaps more.

???Additionally, it goes beyond simply posting it on social media. You should send emails to influential people, publish blog pieces as a guest, and even think about paying for marketing using Quuu Promote or Facebook advertisements.

???Here is an illustration of Quuu's return on investment for a $10 investment:

???And that's just for campervans and RVing, a very modest market. Larger niches, like any type of business, marketing, or travel, have a much greater impact.

Oh, and just in case you run across it, I highly suggest white hat SEO over black hat SEO (tactics that work but are against Google's regulations and might penalize your site). White hat SEO is compliant with Google's terms of service.

????Now, clearly, I can't adequately describe SEO in 250 words. However, this offers you the fundamentals, which are actually quite simple.

???Create links to improve your ranking


???Because link building is really just an extension of SEO, I placed it immediately after SEO. One of the most powerful factors used by Google to determine a site's rating is the number of backlinks to it.

Though laborious, it's not always challenging or intricate. All it takes is some networking, solid relationships, and directing your material toward those who can offer links.

???An overview of link building is provided below:

???You must first have good content. No one will link to junk, regardless of whether you have been blogging for a while or are just getting started.

Instead of concentrating on keywords first, I strongly advise generating content tailored for the people you want links from. It works.

???Reach out to anybody you linked to in your article after you have good content. Due to their interest in it, these individuals are most likely to share and link to it.

???(Hint: The more attractive you make individuals appear, the more likely it is that they will link to you.)

???Use an email outreach platform like AWeber if you want to automate this procedure.

???But, this isn't the sole method of obtaining backlinks.

There are a ton of other backlink-building strategies you may utilize, including gaining links from roundup writers, broken link building, and resource page link building, to mention a few.

????Put quality before quantity (underrated by most people learning how to start a blog for free)

???This is a lesson I've acquired from studying SEO and general blog-building techniques. When it comes to blog posts, quality always prevails over number.

???It is not necessary to push out posts every day or even every week. When done correctly, once a month is sufficient. You now have the entire month to dedicate to promotion.

???Websites with new content used to receive some credit from Google.

Then websites began abusing that, publishing a dozen subpar pieces daily. It worked for a short while before Google started banning things. These sites are no longer present.

??Also, would you rather have two very outstanding blog posts or ten passable ones? The two excellent ones are what I prefer. Particularly because they give internal links—which I'll discuss next—more value by increasing their authority as they get backlinks.???

???Check out this guide if you want to discover how to produce absolutely exceptional content.

???Employ internal linking to make your site easier to explore for Google and visitors.

???Internal links are very crucial when you first launch a blog. These are only links leading from one page of your website to another. (Where external linking refers to a link from one of your website's pages to another website's page.)

???Internal linking is crucial for SEO, but it's also crucial to make it easier for users to navigate your blog. It's a terrific method to encourage new readers to read older material as well.

???Also, when you figure out how to start a blog and have a post that receives a lot of backlinks and ranks highly in search results, any internal links from that page to your other pages help those pages.

This should help explain the concept.

???Increase traffic, SEO, and brand visibility with guest blogs.


?A technique for increasing traffic and backlinks to your website is guest posting. In essence, you're taking (borrowing?) the audience from a reputable blog.

???This is certainly something you've seen or heard before. It operates as follows:

???Choose a blog that you'd like to write for first. You probably already have several in mind if you've been blogging for a long. Find the people who are at the top of their fields in your or a closely similar field.

???I'm a content marketer, for instance. I therefore read blogs about content marketing, including those from organizations like Content Marketing Institute, which has over 100,000 email subscribers and a domain authority (DA) of 85.

(Note: Domain authority ranks websites from 1 to 100 based on their authority. It depends on their age, link profile, and a host of other variables. Higher is preferable as it will improve your SEO more.)


???In order to spread the word about my brand, I wanted to post something on their blog. It's almost like a badge of pride, and since it's so well-known in my profession, going there would help me attract clients.

I contacted my network to check if anyone had a connection with an editor there in order to achieve that. As it happens, they did! I was let in because of that.?

???We'll actually cover formatting later in this article when we discuss how to add fresh engaging blog posts. But? for now...

What happens if you launch a blog without a network? What happens if you're just getting started?

???During his interview with Rebel Growth, Aaron Orendorff specifically addresses that issue on his Podcast. It's worth hearing!

???Use social media to bring in a ton of converting visitors.

??Blogging and social media go together like peas in a pod. One really cannot exist without the other.

???Yet nothing is more upsetting than spending four hours creating a blog post while attempting to learn how to start a blog, only to receive no responses. You have received just one like—from grandma—and no comments or shares.

???This is true because most people utilize social media incorrectly. They simply publish their blog entries using it as a venue for publishing. An RSS feed is not what social media is!

????How then do you utilize social media in a proper manner?

by socializing and networking. (You'll start to realize that networking plays a huge role in blogging.)

???I'll give you a prime illustration. My Facebook page is there. Every time I publish a new post, it nearly never receives more than 5 likes, no comments, and no shares. But then I applied this straightforward technique...

About 30 other bloggers, many of whom have large followings on social media, helped me develop an article of excellent quality.

I then created a Facebook post and included each of them as tags.

The response was crazy.

???But things got even better. I also shared the link in a Facebook group for a related specialty. That post received more than 56 likes, received 10 comments, and approximately 600 visitors to our blog!

???And all of that for a freshly created Facebook profile with less than 100 fans.

???The moral of the tale? Engage with other social individuals to generate social engagement. Be present in Facebook groups, tag everyone, and develop enduring connections. In this manner, you can still generate a ton of engagement when you first start a blog.

???Pro tip: You can utilize automation to grow a genuine, engaged audience on social media, albeit you shouldn't automate everything there (people will be able to tell). For instance, you can communicate with Twitter users who are discussing topics important to the audience you want to reach using a service like Narrow. Or, to increase the number of people who see your archived content, utilize a free service like Revive Old Post.

???To gain shares, backlinks, and subscribers, create beautiful images


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??Not only is it simple to produce high-quality photographs, but it is also inexpensive and quick. And in today's fiercely competitive world, it is a need.

Do the top blogs in your field employ a lot of high-quality images? We both likely know the solution.

???Pictures assist readers understand the information you're providing them with, making it easier for them to read your content, and keep them on your website longer.

???Then, how do you make amazing images?

You will require the following tools:

???A design tool for non-designers is Canva. Free with a few premium icons. has an additional $10/month version with further features including fast image resizing.

???Relay That is a fantastic tool for creating photos for you. You don't even have to create it yourself, unlike Canva. At the touch of a button, get everything you require. A free version is available, or the basic bundle costs $16 per month.

??Unsplash is a collection of cost-free, premium stock images.

???MyStock Photos: An even larger collection of images than Unsplash.

???Iconfinder - Purchase premium icons for only a few dollars.

Pro tip: Provide graphs and charts as appropriate. Using Visualizer, it's fairly simple to make graphs and charts, and doing so speeds up readers' ability to process data.

???Style your blog article to appear professional.

???A well-formatted content increases reader engagement and time on page, much like attractive photos do.

???Let's be honest: No more do people read anything word for word. Today's typical internet reader skims. There is simply too much stuff and not enough time for other activities.

???The formatting plays a role in that. Your readers can quickly scan your piece to see whether it is worthwhile of their time before diving in, if they decide it is.

???So how do you format when you first start a blog?

Here are a few tips

Use headers and subheaders to break up large texts.

Employ numbered and bulleted lists to highlight important information.

???Employ content enhancements to increase conversions by 785%.

Upgraded content increases conversions by 785%.

You've probably heard of a lead magnet. In essence, it's something you give away for free to your audience in exchange for their email address, such as an eBook, check list, or worksheet.

???A lead magnet on steroids is what a content upgrade is. These were specifically designed for one blog article and are closely tied to it.

The blog article "25 Customer Service Scenarios (And How to Handle Them)" was written by Formilla as an illustration.

???You can access a content update from this page to download the manual as a PDF:


It converts for them at a rate of about 10%, which is substantially higher than the average lead magnet. And all they had to do was offer their viewers a PDF download of their piece. Simple as pie.

?????But if you really want to succeed as a blogger, you should include extra supplemental material, :

???The reason why content improvements are so effective is that they are designed to assist visitors in achieving the specific goal they came to your page to fulfill.

???Include call to actions to maximize audience response

I made a big error by not using call to actions (CTAs) when I was learning how to build a blog.

???Any action you want your clients to take is a CTA. It can include buying something, reading another blog post, or signing up for a newsletter. A CTA can be something like a content update.

???Every single one of your posts should include a CTA of some form, especially if it's your first time beginning a blog. Every post should have a result, whether it be as small as asking for a share or a remark or as huge as completing a purchase.

???You're losing out on a ton of chances to generate leads, sales, and traffic if your content doesn't have a CTA.

I'm not arguing that each post must promote a product. It only needs to indicate what the reader should do next.

???For instance, if you've already found this content to be interesting, would you mind sharing it with your audience? I'm phoning to ask you to do something. Only one click: Sure, by expanding our reach, it helps us. But, it also helps you because it allows you to display useful content on your social networking platforms. You'll become known as a reliable source of knowledge.

.? ? ?To 10X your audience, use influencer marketing.


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Influencer marketing is a strategy that is vastly underutilized.

I've seen influencers get amazing outcomes.

?????For instance, RESCUE sought to promote natural treatments. Their marketing effort led to 133 million social media impressions, over 6,000 website views to the coupon site, and a 258% rise in Instagram followers.

????Furthermore, they are not alone. Numerous businesses are seeing comparable success.

???Utilize an influencer database to locate influencers in virtually any subject that can help you promote your content. This is a terrific network to establish as you begin a blog.


??Always engage in networking. Always.

?It is easier to advertise your work and more opportunities present themselves automatically as your network expands.

???I was given possibilities through networking that I never would have imagined. Their connections opened doors for me, and their marketing know-how nearly 10x'd my capacity for post promotion.

My eyes opened as soon as it happened. From being an afterthought to one of my top objectives, networking has changed. I really think that anything is achievable with the appropriate network.

???????Here are a few quick suggestions for expanding your network:

??Always look for opportunities to assist others. Share the content of other bloggers, leave comments on their blog posts, keep up with them on social media, and direct traffic their way.

??Join forums and communities centered on your interests. I participate in Facebook groups for full-time RVing, SEO, and content marketing. They're fascinating, and I always discover new things and acquaintances.

???Take classes online. You can join the private communities of many of them. This makes a lot of like-minded folks available. Also, you will learn everything the course covers.

???Last but not least, keep your connections strong. Make it a point to contact your new network once or twice a month at the very least. Send them an email with a fascinating story, or mention them in a post on social media that you find intriguing.

?????Create an email list right away, and don't forget to send anything to it.

???If you take care of your email list, it will eventually grow to be your main source of traffic and sales.

?????Consider this:

???You get out of bed anticipating the day. A pot of coffee is started. You enter your home office to check your email as you wait for it to brew.

There’s almost $1000 in sales from the email campaign you sent last night.

You take a sip of your coffee and grab another email that needs to be sent out soon. Your work for the day is finished, so you may now go out and do anything you like.

???Effectively, your life starts to resemble a stock photo. just like this

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???Some individuals truly enjoy their lives. It is made feasible through an email list. However, you'll still need to manage your business and write blog entries as you learn how to create a blog (unless you outsource those tasks out), but your workload can be significantly decreased.

???Before you write your first blog article and as a top priority when establishing a blog, you should build an email list. But even if it wasn't, go ahead and give it today's top priority.

Get an email marketing platform, if you don't already have one, such as Getresponse. it is simple to use and effective, I use it.

???For improved SEO and a larger following, stick to a theme.

???Not keeping to a theme for your posts is one of the major mistakes I made early on and see other writers make.

???I realize that people are different. Everyone of us have a variety of interests. You can be a marketer who who enjoys travel and photography. Yet discussing all three of them won't help your blog. This is why:

It can be challenging to locate the ideal readership

I ? t can be challenging to locate the ideal readership How many travel enthusiasts, photographers, and marketers do you know? (Okay, so maybe it is a sizable niche, but you get the idea.)

???SEO will be more challenging. Google prefers sites that are entirely devoted to a particular subject because it is aware of the focus of such a site.

???It will be more difficult to monetize your blog. Money is made through focused, direct traffic. You won't receive the kind of traffic you need if you're overextending yourself.

???If you absolutely must discuss various topics, I advise launching a completely different blog. It's just not worth it unless you can really target a certain demographic and yet have excellent pieces on each subject.

???Choose subjects based on what your audience is generally speaking about.

???Picking themes at random because you think your readers might be interested in them is similar to playing the lottery. You could succeed, you might not.

???But what if you listened to what your audience wanted to hear? That is a surefire victory.

???Here are a few methods for learning more:

Simply ask them by contacting them through social media or email.

Distribute a survey to the people on your email list or through Qualaroo.

Read the comments that people have posted on your site or the blogs of your rivals.

Visit forums in your field to discover what questions are being asked.

Find frequently asked questions about your subject with Buzzsumo

????Buzzsumo's unique feature is that after you produce an article answering a frequently asked issue, you can go to the forum where the question was posted and link to the article there. (But be careful to add more than simply a link; otherwise, you'll be blocked from most locations.)

???Asking your audience is thus not too difficult. Even if you're just starting out and don't yet have an audience, you can still implement the following three suggestions.

???Don't just post your stuff on social media.

???Most people normally post their new blog content on social media as it goes live… but then they don't share it anywhere else. One of the biggest errors people make while advertising their posts is this.

???Do other options exist? Email outreach and collaborating with influencers have already been discussed. Nonetheless, there is still a ton of work to be done!

????The following are the top places to promote your newest blog post:

?Forums with a specific focus

You probably anticipated this one. As long as you post in forums properly, your post will be there for a very long time and may even appear in search results, which is a terrific method to gain long-term traffic.

You can find forums by searching on Find a Forum or by googling inurl:forum + "your_keyword"

???Once you locate the forum, you must register as a member. This approach goes beyond simply dropping by to leave a link. You won't benefit from doing that when beginning a blog because you'll be banned rather quickly.

???Prior to any self-promotion, I advise leaving at least 20 to 30 comments of high quality. (High-value means more than just "Great post!"; it means thought-provoking and helpful.)

???In her guide on Hiveage, Kristi Hines offers some excellent advice on forum marketing.


???Anyone can ask any question on Quora. Anyone may visit and post a response.

???Find questions on Quora that are connected to the pieces you've written, respond thoughtfully, and include a link back to the original post for extra information. Simple as pie.

? I didn't even have to respond to that particular post myself? an influencer named Steve Curtin,? responded . (See how everything is interconnected?)

????Online community groups

???Facebook groups were briefly covered in the section on social media, but I wanted to expand on that.

???Groups on social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google + are fantastic resources for generating highly focused visitors.

???These are rather simple to locate. Simply perform a search on Facebook or LinkedIn and select "Groups." Search for Google Plus under the "Communities" menu. Join any that apply.

Just as in Forums Don't just spam your stuff . Become a well-liked neighborhood resident. Interact with the populace and distribute their goods. You can share your own posts once the other group members are familiar with you and like you. Remember to reply to their remarks as well!

???Put some love into your "About" page.

???You're doing it wrong if your website doesn't have a about page. Starting a blog truly does need building one.

???People in the blogging community (and particularly when you're new, learning how to start a blog) follow those they like, respect, and know. How can you know, like, and trust someone if they don't have a compelling narrative or show their face?

???What do you want visitors to see when they glance at your about page? A poor page created as an afterthought, or one designed to engage visitors with your life or brand story??

???Make use of videos in your blog posts to boost readership

???The length of time visitors spend on your website is one of the most crucial SEO indicators. Adding video content is one of the simplest ways to lengthen user engagement.

???In addition, fewer people are including videos in their blog entries. It's a fantastic approach to stand out from the competition and boost participation.

???What's best?

???To get started, you don't need to be an expert filmmaker or shell out a ton of cash on expensive equipment. Your smartphone is actually more than adequate.

???The quality can be improved by purchasing a tripod and an external microphone. But, they are not required.


?When you're first starting a blog site, keep in mind that you don't need an expensive camera for this.? whereas most cellphones can now shoot HD video, it won't be as as good as Pond5's, but it will still be more than adequate.

???What if you're camera shy, though? You can make animated videos to avoid having to appear on screen, so it's all right.

???The final alternative is to pay a professional to make a video for you. On Fiverr or People Per Hour, you can locate people who make videos. Please remember to read reviews of potential hires before making a decision.

Pay attention to your blog’s load times (and make them faster)

Whether you’re running a business site, an e-commerce store, or a blog…page load times matter.

Google uses your blog’s page load times as a ranking factor in its search results, and your visitors just plain hate slow-loading blogs (especially on mobile devices, where most people browse blogs nowadays).

For example, as your page load time increases, your bounce rate (the % of visitors who leave without visiting a second page) goes way up. Look at this data from Pingdom comparing average load times and bounce rates:

???You can use a page performance testing tool like Pingdom or GTmetrix to see how quickly your blog loads.

???Here are some tips to make your blog load faster if you notice that it is:

Optimize your photos — 50– 80 percent of the average website is made up of images. You may reduce the size of photos without compromising user experience by resizing, compressing, and lazily loading them using a free image optimization tool like Optimole.

???Employ a caching plugin to speed up your blog's performance by supplying static HTML rather than using PHP for each page load.

???Choose a quicker host because it will always effect how quickly your pages load. Here are some of the top managed WordPress hosts.

What’s key here is to be performance-oriented from day one when you’re figuring out how to start a blog, and not treat it as something you can come back to later on.

???Don't try to appease everyone when you launch a blog.

???You definitely want people to actually...read your blog if you're launching one. That's a reasonable assumption, don't you think?

???You might strive to make your blog appealing to as many people as you can in an effort to gain as many "likes" as you can. Although it occasionally succeeds, that rarely does. By attempting to appeal to everyone, you essentially wind up appealing to nobody (OK, maybe I overstated it a bit, but you get the idea).

???I'm not referring to picking a limited niche, but rather to giving your site a distinct brand and voice.

???Do you have a tendency to use profanity?? curse on your blog!Sure, you might drive some people away, but you don’t have to please every single person. Everyone who isn’t driven away will like you even more.

Don’t believe me? Look at Mark Manson

Can you picture Mark trying to be a stern personal help blogger? He would never have developed into the New York Times Best Selling Author that he is today.

Instead of attempting to win over everyone, focus on making a select number of individuals incredibly happy.

???Quit crafting your introductions like research papers from high school.

???Quit writing blog introductions like high school research papers, content marketers. I was greatly affected by the statement since I realized right away that I was guilty. I shouldn't have been taking my high school English writing style to my blog.

???I now aim to talk to my readers rather than at them. You should follow suit if you want visitors to your blog to interact with it.

???I won't go over what Devesh stated again because he did a great job of outlining everything. Simply read his post and make an effort to incorporate the concepts into your writing. Don't hesitate; start doing this as soon as you discover how to create a blog.

???Don’t Just wing your content Have a Plan

??There are countless topic possibilities at your disposal when beginning a blog. Because of this, it's simple to wing it and still come out on top. Nevertheless, as your blog becomes older, two things start to happen:

It gets more and more difficult to come up with original content ideas.

???For your blog postings, you build more sophisticated promotion strategies that involve preparation.

????It is helpful to have a plan when that begins to happen. That is an editorial calendar in this instance.

???Your editorial calendar essentially contains all aspect of your content strategy, from concept generation to promotion.

It ensures that you post frequently, have a plan for your articles, and have enough time to advertise.

???A little upkeep today prevents major issues later.

???You see, nobody enjoys doing maintenance. The act of maintaining your blog itself won't increase its popularity, readership, or income. What's the point then?

???Maintenance, though, keeps everything you've built from collapsing around you, even though it might not do any of those things.

???I'm referring to issues like:

updating your plugins and applications

securing your website (and actually testing to make sure those backups work)

tuning up your database

Making sure no links are broken

???It’s tedious but crucial. Just recently, hundreds of thousands of WordPress sites were hacked as a result of a vulnerability that was actually patched before it was discovered by hackers.

But because hundreds of thousands of site owners hadn’t updated their core open-source WordPress software – they got hacked nonetheless.

A little of routine maintenance now will prevent big problems from happening later.

If you don’t want to do this yourself, there are plenty of WordPress maintenance companies who will handle things for you…for a fee.

??????????Resharing previous material will help you gain new followers.

???Sharing your content on social media was already covered. But here's the thing: You'll gain more social media followers as your personal blog expands. Hence, even if you shared a post when it was initially published, those new followers would not have had the opportunity to view it because they weren't already following you at the time.

???Tomasz Tunguz discovered that reposting previous content still resulted in high levels of interaction. Even though the numbers were never as high as when it was first published, the content still received enough interaction to be valuable:

???????????WordPress themes that are complicated are never the greatest themes.

I might draw criticism for this. But I'm not criticizing the majority of WordPress programmers; rather, I'm merely taking aim at some of the occasionally seen bloated monstrosities on ThemeForest.

???If you choose a theme that tries to do it all, your website may end up loading slowly due to clumsy code and/or a ton of unnecessary queries. Both of those factors contribute to subpar performance and an increased risk of malfunction.

???What I'm saying is, don't choose a WordPress theme just because it has a feature list that is larger than Infinite Jest or because it looks nice.

Try to find at least one of the following while establishing a blog

  • From a reputable theme developer
  • Well-rated (if public ratings available)
  • Regularly updated
  • Has all the basic features, like a configurable sidebar (widgets, blocks), good header, nice typography, and good color settings

???It's fantastic to steal the keywords of your rivals.

The topic of primary keyword research has already been covered. But, there are times when I'm feeling lazy and would like to have someone else do the work.

???At that point, I visit my rivals and...steal the keywords they are ranking for.

It's just plain old-fashioned research and "making it better," nothing harmful. I simply enter my competitor's Website into my SEO tool to see what keywords they are currently ranking for:

I look over their content and compose one that is superior if I come across a tasty keyword that interests me

???This is one of my preferred methods because it enables you to generate both themes and keywords at once.

??Furthermore, since you already know where your rival is placing, you can assume that Google will give blogs a high ranking for that keyword as well (which is crucial if you're learning how to start a blog in a market with a lot of e-commerce websites).


Headlines have value. Don't let clicks pass you by.


?Headlines are important when establishing a blog for two reasons. They: Encourage visitors to click on your website from natural search results.

To encourage readers to read the rest of your piece, grab their attention.

The adage "eight out of ten people read your headline but not your copy" is true.

???Nevertheless, that statistic dates back to a time when newspapers were the norm rather than blogs and eye-tracking research, which was 50 years ago.

???Yet, a quick glance at your bounce rate and average time on page will show that the majority of visitors aren't reading past your headlines.

An excellent resource for writing effective headlines is Copyblogger. Also, you can obtain additional data-driven insights such

???People enjoy reading headlines with numbers (hey, check out this post!).

The number of tweets for certain words varies.

Usually, using more verbs than nouns is an effective strategy.


To save time, place a FAQ section before your contact form.

???While beginning a blog, even if you don't expect anyone to use it, you can put up a contact form since you feel like you need it.

Later, once your website begins to receive some traffic, someone actually fills out your form and contacts you. Hallelujah! Your content is important to people for them to use your contact form.

???But, as your site continues to expand, you find yourself unexpectedly deluged with messages, many of which repeat the same question.

All of a sudden, responding to emails takes up more time than blogging. And that won't lead to continuous success.

But? by placing a FAQ (or anything similar) above your "Contact" page, you may at least get rid of a lot of the most pointless emails that you receive. See how Henrik at The Positivity Blog puts two succinct FAQs above his contact form, for instance:

If your contact form plugin allows it, you can also use conditional fields to achieve much the same effect by asking users what their email is about before they’re allowed to send it.

???Test frequently-used pages on your website (like forms)


?I still want to slam my head against a wall in frustration over this error I made.

???My website's contact form plugins were changed, and soon after that, I noticed a decrease in messages (this was my portfolio site – so the messages were important). Consequently, my first thought was to see if my contact form plugin was having an issue.

???But, while sending test message after test message, I was unable to identify any issues with my form plugin. I suppose people didn’t? like me as much.anymore.

???Well guess not quite. I should have tested my forms sooner, as it turns out. There was n issue, but it had to do with caching. I never encountered the problem in my testing since I used my admin account, which was not allowed to see cached pages, to test my form plugin.

???Avoid the same error I made. Make sure to test any crucial pages on your website the way that your end users will see them. Specifically, use incognito mode.

???It's terrible to waste your time on broken pages, but a little amount of testing can avoid that.

??Ignore the haters…most of the time

:If there’s one thing all bloggers have in common – no matter if you’re just starting a blog for the first time or not it’s angry comments.? You'll still get furious comments from readers who believe you overlooked the prettiest puppy ever, even if you learn how to build a blog that only features adorable pups.

???One of the puppies you posted is not cute, in my opinion.

But, as YouTube shows, receiving negative feedback is an inevitable part of putting oneself online.

???If you let them get to you they will sting.

You must have thick skin. These comments are typically made by irate people hiding behind anonymity. On rare occasions, a commenter will have a valid complaint that you should address. but a great deal of the time? Angry remarks are heard in one ear but not the other.

?????Don't keep staring at your analytics data.


Analyzing data is almost as addictive as checking your Facebook news feed. It becomes even more addictive if you start to notice a constant increase in your statistics.

?????But here's the thing: Unless you're managing a sizable advertising campaign that needs real-time monitoring, these statistics are completely irrelevant to your everyday activities.

????Yes, it is beneficial to look at analytics data over time. However, is it really necessary for you to know whether you got 100 or 200 visits today? Does it matter if you made $10 or $12 today through Google AdSense? Does any of the information currently help you in any way?

I've learned through years of experience that it doesn't.

?I advise you to establish firm boundaries in order to save time. When establishing a blog, you actually have a lot more vital tasks to complete. Make a statement along the lines of, "I will only check my analytics on Monday morning." While not excessively frequent as to become time-consuming, that frequency is still plenty to monitor how your website and content are functioning.

????Hosting is important!


??We take the responsibility of hosting seriously.? We appear to have completed all of our hosting surveys, reviews (for various different types of scenarios), and other related tasks.

????But for the majority of my blogging career, and particularly when I was beginning a blog for the first time, I wasn't really concerned about hosting or anything server-related.

???This abruptly changed one lovely day when I learned that a large spam forum had been functioning on my server for an extended period of time.

???My discovery process was amusing as well. A computer-generated email came into my inbox telling me to "update my vBulletin forum." I was lacking a forum.

?????The email was really sent to a random email address located on my newly purchased domain name, newinternetorder.com, as it turned out. It was forwarded to my actual email because I had a catch-all option configured there for email. As soon as I started exploring about, I discovered the following:forum


?The forum is that. It's just there, fully Google indexed, with tons of outbound links utilizing amusing anchor texts like "louis vuitton bags" or other things.

Anyways. To cut a long tale short, it was on this day that I realized the importance of reputable, premium hosting. This type of malware affects servers. It's not even a WordPress problem.

???Please think of yourself. When launching a blog, only work with reliable hosting companies. With an entry-level hosting package, you may acquire something for as little as $3–4 per month, so it isn't a particularly high cost. I recommend Bluehost. Also, SiteGround. If you have server experience, use Digital Ocean. Or, if you want to pay more money, WP Engine. All of these businesses have been examined for our research paper.

?????Conduct periodic content audits


??Even while I would prefer it if it weren't, not everything we publish is evergreen forever. Whatever your niche, there are constantly new advancements, concepts, topics to write about, as well as new advances that connect to your earlier writing.

???The truth is that nobody can foresee the future. Therefore, even if you believe that the topic your writing touches on would make it eternal, this is merely a hope and you can never be sure.

Since your site has been online for longer than a year, conducting regular content audits is a wonderful idea. This may not be a concern if you're just learning how to establish a blog, but it's still something to keep in mind.

???A content audit's straightforward objective is to determine which of your postings are still pertinent, which require upgrading, which can be completely eliminated, and which can be merged.

???Create a spreadsheet with the URLs of all of your posts to start. Separate the spreadsheet into the following three parts:

???"Keep and improve" refers to articles that may stand on their own merits and are still pertinent; they may require some effort to update or expand (new information, new insights); in other words, we're making them even better than they are already.

???"Consolidate" - the process of combining smaller postings into a larger one, which results in a resource that is much more comprehensive and in-depth.

????"Delete" - Posts that are utterly unnecessary at the moment and can be fully removed (examples include outdated sponsored posts, news articles, reviews of obsolete products, accidentally duplicated content, etc.).

???After getting those, you can start working on them in the following order: delete content first, then consolidate, then improve.

When looking through the separate bits of content, you can accomplish the following things:

???Create 301 redirects when combining postings into one or more larger resources.

???Create 410 status codes for items that will never be recovered.

When editing postings that you've chosen to leave online, fix internal links. ? ? ? ? Make sure they also connect to your more recent content. Internal links from older posts obviously don't lead to your fresh content because that wasn't available when you made the links.

Use H1, H2, and bullet points to format your outdated content.

Make your greatest posts' images more shareable on social media by updating them.

Fix metrics for the Yoast SEO plugin.

Delete broken links.

Resolve any inline HTML problems.

Where appropriate, include content enhancements.

To make the site as a whole more consistent, update your tags and/or categories.

If it makes sense, republish previous content. Just make the current date the publication date.

When you republish, remove comments.

???You can only demonstrate that you care about what people see when they visit your website and start consuming a random piece of your content by conducting an audit like this and revitalizing your previous content. It basically sends Google a message that everything on your site is updated and deserving of a ranking.?

?This might not sound like it’s that important if you’re just starting a blog for the first time, but it’s actually best to incorporate these tactics right from day one – this is how you get the most out of it over time.

?How often to do the full audit? Probably once a year. But there’s something you should be doing more often:

????Regularly update your content

Although I briefly addressed it above, this merits its own place on the list, so let's get started.

???It simply comes down to this: Unless you make a conscious effort to maintain your content evergreen, it isn't.

?Absolutely, your material ought to be refreshed frequently. New data, information, methods, goods, or whatever else you choose to write about is always being produced. Readers are interested in reading about new information. Google is also interested in your writing about it. The world literally expects you to maintain your information current. If you don't, your Google rankings are toast.

????One of the strategies that virtually every seasoned blogger recommends is updating older blogs. For instance, Neil Patel claims that by revitalizing his older pieces, he received 51% higher traffic over a three-month period.

Here’s what you can do specifically:

  1. Go to your Google Analytics, and create a list of your top 10 most visited posts.
  2. Make an effort to update those once every month.
  3. Go back and expand the list to top 30-50.
  4. Make an effort to update those every 3-5 months.
  5. Create a spreadsheet to make that more manageable, or a Google Cal reminder.

????Be careful not to have too many WordPress plugins.

??Most likely, none of the 30 plugins that are now active on your site are actually necessary, especially if you're just establishing a blog.And although it's simple to get carried away and get lost in yet another list of the "top 10 WordPress plugins for X," that's not the way to, so to speak, live your WordPress life.

To begin with, not all of the minor features you desire call for plugins or add-ons. Many things can be accomplished with short changes or easy WordPress hacks. On top of that, there are some items you don't really need; they are just another "shiny object" that is cool to look at but isn ? Additionally, not all plugins and add-ons function well together. Sometimes you'll run across things that interfere with one another, causing your site to crash or, in the best case, drastically degrade your performance. Don't even get me started on using numerous plugins that are all attempting to do the same task (like installing W3 Total Cache on top of WP Super Cache).Instead, concentrate on the absolute necessities and purchase just one plugin per function. Typically: Jetpack, SEO, backups, caching, social media, contact forms, etc.

???Which gets me to the following issue, which is really important when establishing a blog

. ? Pay attention, security on your website!

???Okay, so some circumstances are beyond your control. There isn't much you can do to prevent server crashes, but there are many other factors that you can control.

???First off, keep your website updated, like Colin mentioned above. If you don't, you run the danger of having it compromised due to an outdated vulnerability.

???Second, acquire a security plugin or alternative and pay attention to the alerts it sends you.

??Really, there is no need for me to continue talking about this because it is a no-brainer. Definitely require this! The following are some choices from the official WordPress.org directory:

#! ?????Wordfence Security – Firewall, Malwar? Scan, and Login Security

#2 ? Sucuri Security – Auditing, Malware Scanner and Security Hardening

#3 ? iThemes Security

??In addition to such, take into account measures like two-factor authentication and other straightforward improvements that will make your website extremely safe.

??Security is one of the most crucial under-the-radar factors to consider when learning how to establish a blog, and I can't stress this enough!

????Utilize Quora to learn what others want to know.


?Quora was previously mentioned by Bill, but I'm including it for a completely different purpose. This is not about searching for pertinent Quora conversations, answering them, and then promoting your content. This relates to another subject:

???One of the few places on the internet where you can go to learn what people really want to know is Quora. In essence, each question gives you the chance to create a brand-new blog post, which is a fantastic tool for those just starting out with blogs.

???All you need to do is visit Quora, follow a few subjects that are relevant to the theme of your blog, and pay attention to the questions that people are posing.

Here is what you accomplish.

???First, you get evidence that a certain problem doesn't only exist in your head and that it actually matters to at least one living, breathing person.

You can use the precise question-asking phrase, in whole or in part, as your headline as you can see how it was phrased. Additionally, this reveals the kinds of keywords that may be relevant to the issue.

Once the content is complete, you have an excellent spot to advertise it. You can return to Quora, provide a brief and concise response, and then include a link for anyone who wants to learn more.

????This is exactly what we did with at least a few of them.

????????Key ideas

???Make sure? to get to the heart of your response as soon as possible when writing a post of that nature. Don't write your introduction like a high school research paper, as Colin previously advised.

??Use document anchors when linking to the post from Quora if you must offer some sort of introduction to avoid alienating your loyal followers. (For instance, use the following link: yoursite.com/some-post/#the-relevant-part.)? ? Anyone visiting from Quora will be able to skim over everything that is unimportant in their eyes.

Make your Quora response stand out from the crowd by using photos.

?????Perform keyword research before publishing each new content.

???Although keyword research has already been discussed, I wanted to spend one more minute bringing it up to make sure everyone understood. I wanted to emphasize one major point here: Conducting repeated, thorough keyword research for each new post you publish is the secret to true, proper keyword research.

????Sorry if that sounds like a lot of labor, but there is really no other method to post information when beginning a blog in the current online environment. There is simply already too much excellent information available. Too much existing highly optimized material.?

???You can't just build your content around "whatever" vaguely related issue and rely on your main keyword for the entire site in a situation like that.

????This relates to performing content audits once again. When reviewing and auditing your previous content, ask yourself, "What keyword is this post even targeting? Is it sufficiently optimized?

??Inspiration can be found in apparently unconnected fields.


?Sometimes it can be difficult to come up with ideas for blog posts. However, maintaining your inspiration by solely consuming content related to your niche also have its drawbacks.? On the one hand, it keeps you up to date and aware of current events.

On the other hand, it prevents you from being open to fresh perspectives and perhaps from trying out previously untried ideas.

James Altucher, a well-known author and podcaster, claims that idea sex is one of the most potent experiences that a creative person can have. In other words, having a ton of ideas is the only way tremendous come up with good ones. Once such concepts begin to interact sexually,

????Therefore, we must grow. I read a lot. Stream several videos. Get a lot done. Give yourself permission to read stuff that isn't in your field. This is possibly the best course to take when beginning a blog.?

????Tim Ferriss, an Amazon best-selling author, agrees that it's important to give himself some leeway in this area. He enjoys reading novels before bed, for instance. He doesn't write fiction. It would have been counterproductive for him to read fiction. But even so, avoid reading nonfiction right before night because it promotes thinking ahead and preoccupation/planning. Read fiction that stimulates your imagination and requires your full attention right now.

??????????Give out your best products for free.


???The topic here is paid versus unpaid material. The misconception that your finest content should only be accessible to paying consumers is widespread.



?Think of it this way: what do you hear when you turn on the radio (assuming you haven't entirely switched to Spotify or podcasts, that is)? Do you ever hear a song off an artist's album at random?

No! Their number one single is what you're hearing! And you get it for nothing. Why? Considering that this is how they persuade you to purchase the album or a concert ticket.

You might refer to it as the "radio principle".

The thing? is this

???People enter the door thanks to the free and excellent goods. They start looking for more when they arrive. They start to realize, "Damn, this resource is better for free than what other people charge for!"

????That's a triumph.

???Here, you can promote your one-on-one coaching services, expensive multi-part courses, public speaking engagements, real estate, and so on.

Briefly: Starting a blog? Offer your greatest products for free. It has a fantastic ROI!

????????Put an end to your grammar mania. Nobody is concerned?

(Except from? ? this one guy who will draw attention to it in the comments. Be unconcerned about him. Anyhow, he's a jerk.)

What counts most is the information's essence. And although it may sound cliche, it is the way things are.


???Simply because your grammar is flawless, nobody will ever visit your blog. I actually mean nobody. If "good grammar" is your only selling point, you've failed.

???To put it another way, a poorly written, insightful essay will always be preferable to a well-written, sexless press release.

Ideas and tales! value for entertainment uncooked data! Prioritize building your content muscle before concentrating on your language.

Having said that.


?Three steps are involved: writing, editing, and publication.


?The process of getting an excellent post out the door and into the public still requires some thinking, even though language isn't something you should be fussing over.

???My preferred method is to approach it in three steps: writing, editing, and publishing.

???Why would that be?

It's easy and tempting to edit while you write, that is, to make corrections to your sentences and paragraphs as you go. Since we used it to write school papers, it appears natural. However, it isn't the most efficient.

The issue with editing as you write is that it breaks your creative process, halts the flow of ideas, and makes storytelling more difficult.

??????Writing first, and editing later, is the proper blogging procedure—if I may use the word "correct" at all.

Make it your mantra. How can I begin a blog? Write first, then edit.

When writing the initial draft, the objective is to write as many words as you can without worrying about how they look on paper (or digital paper). I really do mean that you should put anything that comes to mind that has to do with the subject on paper.

???Here, it's crucial to keep moving forward without stopping and attempting to remedy anything. no typos at all. You intend to write. being imaginative.

Then, after you've finished writing the entire draft, editing can begin. When this happens,

And I am aware that maintaining this isolation is a really difficult task. The key is to recognize this and try to snap yourself out of it. I too find myself editing this or that as I write.

Finally, there is publishing, which these days has taken on a life of its own because the majority of what we write is published online by us (rather than being given to a newspaper or whatever else).

The way blogs operate is distinctive. In addition to formatting the post and adding photographs, you also need to set your tags and categories, include some "click to tweets," write the headline for your article, prepare the article's body, and a host of other tasks that come with creating a blog.

???Set up your writing/blogging tools properly.

???You may thus find certain tools to be quite useful in your day-to-day life depending on how you go about beginning a blog and producing your material.

???Tools make blogging much simpler, whether it's a standing desk, a new keyboard, or a great web app.

Let's just go over this shortlist one by one: . Please purchase a reliable keyboard.

Stay put! Please read this entire article. It's significant.

Perhaps the most underappreciated piece of technology we use on a regular basis is a keyboard. Right, a keyboard is how we interact with computers the majority of the time.

Yet, we rarely switch keyboards, and don’t usually track what’s been going on in the keyboard market. We just get whatever’s available or whatever our computer came with. But that’s a mistake.

????????There isn't a single keyboard that can do everything because keyboards come in a wide variety. It all boils down to personal taste, typing prowess, and general comfort in relation to your posture. To find the setting that is the best match, you must experiment with a variety of options.

?????Different keyboards have keys with different key travel distances. Mechanical keyboards are available. Membrane keys exist. There is everything that modern MacBooks have. Etc. But the truth is that until you give them a shot, you won't know which one is going to work best for you.

???So, try some things out at your neighborhood grocery. Simply wait around, open a notepad program, begin typing, and observe how it feels. You can become a master typist over night with the appropriate keyboard—at least, that's what it did for me.

II. Examine blog-related apps

It's good to do your job entirely within the WordPress interface, especially while using the distraction-free mode.

????But if you use specialized blogging software, you might become even more productive when beginning a blog.

?????Although this is just my opinion, A Writer is definitely the best writing application for Mac.

???Bear is an excellent text editor and a well-designed note-taking tool for Macs. And integrates with the MacBook Pro touch bar more well than iA does.

Markdown is a lot speedier way to write anything, and both apps support it.

In addition, you can synchronize your content across all of your devices if you have more than one.

???Other choices include:

???Calypso is a desktop plugin for WordPress. This one is compatible with Linux, Mac, and Windows. Additionally, it grants you access to some other wp-admin sections.

For Mac, use Ulysses. It's a somewhat pricey writing app, but it has a lot of devoted users that adore it.

???Google Docs. This one sounds obvious, but with the newest tools, you can now integrate a Google doc with your WordPress site directly, which means that you can basically export any doc straight to your blog.

????Experiment with helper apps

Here’s a quick run-down through apps that make my work a lot quicker:

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