About to begin your cloud migration journey? Be prepared to evolve your business...

About to begin your cloud migration journey? Be prepared to evolve your business...

#Cloud alone can’t be the sole answer to your #CX business challenges or a destination for your business – but it is the first step through a door that will allow you to unlock potentially significant improvements in terms of operational efficiency and costs, #customersatisfaction, and #advisor performance and retention.

Before deciding whether to follow a #publiccloud, #privatecloud or #hybrid approach, organisations first need to think about their specific business goals and what they really want to achieve with their CX.

An experienced trusted contact centre technology partner can support you in any of these journeys. The three cloud contact centre approaches are;

  • Public CCaaS – for smaller contact centres, start-ups, digital-first operations, typically pre-packaged solutions with transactional costs
  • Private Cloud – for organisations with voice-critical service, operational maturity, high levels of regulation, dedicated architecture, higher levels of complexity
  • Public Programmable Contact Centre solutions – core dev-ops approach for organisations that want to build it themselves and customise everything, continuous development, data-driven, ideal for Internet voice traffic

Asking the right questions

It's essential that you ask yourself the right questions and are brutally honest with yourself when it comes to answering. And I don't mean just ‘do we need Feature A over Feature B?’ At a more fundamental level, what are you trying to achieve with your #contactcentremigration strategy? What's in your DNA as an organisation that will help craft exactly the right type of #customerjourneys for you as an organisation?

Public cloud, private cloud or a hybrid model...?

Find out more.

Derek Forrest



