Begin the Journey to Your Dream Job
Passion... purpose... pursuit... whatever it is, start now.

Begin the Journey to Your Dream Job

For me, this journey began five years ago, when I took a leap.

I had a vague vision of where I was going. I had absolutely no idea how I was going to get "there". I had even fewer resources and training to get me started.

What I did have was an unwavering belief in the purpose of my pursuit: unleashing professional potential.

And that didn't only mean for my future clients, who I knew would be hating their jobs and looking for "something more". I wanted to realize my own potential, as well!

As someone who had tried to make a living in more ways than I wish to recount, but could never shake the feeling of being a "fish out of water," I almost lost faith in myself and my career. Tried my hand at the "envious" world of finance-- hated it. Attempted the "nomadic-Millennial" existence-- felt anxious the whole time. Leaned into the "gig-economy"-- barely made ends meet. Took the "safe" 9-5: got fired because of fit.

No matter where I tried to fit in, the results would speak for themselves, and my interpretation was simple: failure. It didn't take long to start believing that I would never find work that I loved that was suited to the "real me".

Then, as they say, I had my epiphany. Only, my epiphany didn't come from sitting and stewing and sitting and stewing until a lightbulb appeared above my head.

My epiphany came from taking action, learning something new, and integrating that insight into my career.

I realized that by making all the wrong moves in my career, I was uniquely situated to help people make the right moves in theirs!

I realized that by experiencing all the places I didn't fit in professionally, I narrowed down exactly where I did fit in a career.

I realized that by making decision decisions based in fear, I now knew how to make better decisions based on facts.

I didn't learn all of this overnight, and neither will you.

You will learn this by taking the next, best action and moving forward. 

If you hate your job (or know someone who does!), stop lying to yourself and hoping that your dream job will jump out of the screen the next time you decide to scroll through Indeed.

Instead, take action. Join us for this life and career-changing, one-time event. Come hear personal stories from people who've made the journey successfully. Participate in our short and sweet career clarity workshop. Network with like-minded people who can support and commiserate with you. And best of all, celebrate with me!

I know one thing-- if I've been able to keep food on the table and roof over my head for 5 years in this business, then people need what we have!

If that person is you (or someone you know), then please join us for this incredible event.

I can't wait to see you on the evening of the 23rd!!


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