Begin with the end in mind
Your Franchise Fast Pass??
Franchise Owner, Advisor & Author | Matching you with the right-fit franchise opportunity to achieve success
Welcome to the Franchise Ownership Unlocked newsletter. Each week I’ll be bringing you advice, tips, information, and inspiration on the wonderful world of franchising. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a single issue.
When Stephen Covey published his now-famous book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, the second habit quickly entered the lexicon of the business world.? “Begin with the End in Mind” is a directive that is appropriate when planning a task, creating a marketing plan or strategizing the expansion of a business. If you are thinking of exploring franchise ownership, this particular ‘habit’ is not just important – it is essential!? Successful entrepreneurs tend to share a common story: they had a vision before they started their business as to where the business would eventually take them and what it would ultimately become. They understood where they would be at the start of the business and what the reward would be as their business achieved the targeted level of success.?
For a successful business owner, the vision is more than just a goal. It is a driving force.?
“If one does not know which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.”
We accept the logic of “beginning with the end in mind” and yet, when it comes to finding the right franchise, people tend to quickly forget this discipline. The franchise industry is vast and loaded with concepts that appeal to people’s obvious passions, making it easy to focus on what appears to be the ‘fun’ factor and the easy ‘fit’ while losing sight of their personal reasons for owning a business in the first place.? Examples of industries that have a high degree of appeal for people based on their passions:
There are excellent franchise opportunities operating in all of these categories.? Yet just because you love ice cream doesn’t mean you would enjoy owning an ice cream store, or even have the right set of skills to manage that kind of enterprise. More importantly, would owning an ice cream store bring you the financial rewards and the quality of life that you are looking for??
Too often people who are looking for a franchise neglect to begin with the end in mind, opting instead to direct their energy towards opportunities that match their personal areas of interest.? A business looks “easier” or like it would be more “fun” because the person already knows something about the business’s product or service and/or is comfortable with its customers.???
If you only focus on what the business is or does, you risk ending up owning a business that initially fuels your interest and enthusiasm but quickly evolves into something else entirely.? By the end of that first year, you may discover that the business model itself is not a good fit for your skills, or that your day-to-day responsibilities have little to do with the ‘passion’ that led you to make this choice.? This happens a lot in the franchise world, resulting in under-performing owners who realize too late that they made a wrong choice because they paid more attention to what the business did (something they related to) and not as much attention to what the business model would do for them as a business owner.?
As you begin your search for a franchise, ask yourself this:
Which question is more important to me?
Try this exercise as you begin your franchise search and acquisition. Write down what the end results will be when you find the ideal business. What will your role be in the business?? How much time will you need to commit to the business in the short term?? As it matures? How will it improve both your personal and professional life? Think big and be specific. If you want to send your children to private school, write it down.? If you wish to take Thursdays off to play golf, include it. If you’ve dreamed about volunteering in your community, imagine how your career or business will allow for that.
Here are a few samples of what people have written in response to this exercise prior to beginning their search for the right franchise opportunity. Some offer a great deal about their long-term goals and dreams.? Others focus more on their immediate objectives as these relate to their family or their free time. The common denominator is that these individuals took the time to be thoughtful about what being a business owner will do for them and will allow them to do.?
If you lack a vision for what your mature business will offer you and do for you, then your search for a franchise will be limited to what looks good on the surface. If on the other hand, you have created a clear picture of what your business must be able to provide – financially and personally as it reaches maturity – you should be well-equipped to recognize the right opportunity when it crosses your path!?
I’d love to hear from you about what your dream business looks like. Drop a comment below?? or feel free to DM me.
Liz Leonard is a veteran franchisee and entrepreneur. As a franchise advisor, she’s spent the last two decades helping others make their entrepreneurship dreams a reality via franchise ownership. With a passion for educating her clients to make the best and most informed decisions, she authored the new book, Your Franchise Fast Pass: Your Step-By-Step Guide to Finding Your Ideal Business. Get a copy for FREE at: