Begin with the "end" in mind...
David Gilks
I use neuroscience and ancient wisdom to help individuals discover the one thing that will change everything.
I was walking in nature today and paused to look over this end of the lake where the water had reclaimed some of the shoreline. There were numerous trees that now served another purpose then they had before and were being repurposed by nature.
It made me reflect on the seeming arrogance or just perhaps ignorance of humanity as we tend to live as if we do not die and we act like stand alone. This could not be further from the truth.
Many years ago I had listened to an audiobook titled "The Power of Intention" by Dr. Wayne Dyer probably 100 x and there were many things that I had taken away and have never forgotten. The first was the statement that "mankind lives in terror of his own death so he lives as if it will never happen. Better to face our death on this side of eternity."
What did he mean, "better to face our death on this side of eternity"? I believe he meant that if we acknowledge that we are going to die at some point (the existential crises) then perhaps we should focus on living each day as fully and as honorably as possible.
By doing this, on the day of our death, we can peacefully let go knowing we lived a full life. The terror Dr. Dyer spoke of was not the fear of death and dying, is was the agonizing realization that we had not lived our life, and now it was too late.
Like the changes in the natural world, everything has its season, including us. I think we are been given a great opportunity to decide what the remainder of our life looks like and perhaps the idea of planning for our eventual demise has little to do with funeral plots and has everything to do with living powerful and wide awake for the short time we are here.