To Begin
Something positive can come from this.I hope that all the progressive organizations in the U.S. and the world can see the opportunity that is being presented here. The disguise of civility that has been covering injustice and inequality has, finally, fallen, completely off. Not that it was being held nearly securely, anyway, with the Trayvon Martin debacle. Now however any who may have hoped to argue the point of responsibility for the ruling class should be awake.Now is the time for the people to truly unite and form a peoples organization to exert the proper influence upon our present society.
Every problem that we face as a people is able to be addressed and solved. The one hindrance is the failure to look at the entire nature of the negative results that we are experiencing.The nightmare in Ferguson and New York among others is a starting point for action. Only if the people are able to honestly identify the details of the failures we've seen can we begin to apply our abilities to reverse them.The worst mistake that can be made is to leave the running of the works in the hands of a few and then to stop looking at their actions. Almost exclusively it has occurred that individuals will allow the power to corrupt them.Their must always be some watchers to watch the watchers.