BEGETTING SOMETHING OUT OF NOTHING / Transform the mirage into reality
STRATAGEM N° 7 ("Most remarkable stratagem")
Quotations: Everything in the universe was created from something that was created out of nothing (Lao Tseu) / Every flatterer lives at the expense of those who take him seriously (Jean de la Fontaine).
Guidelines: Everything in this world is created out of nothing and reality grows in the mirage of appearances / The dynamics of illusion and imagination beget reality / Rather than impose your reasons, take your pick from the arguments of the other protagonists, and them stage them to give them shape.
Symbolic story: A JOB CREATING FABLE (...)
Analisis: Innovative persons plan the future by guessing before others what the present holds (...).
Food for thought: What are the illusions that lull the mind to the point of begetting reality? How does one identify strategic moments likely to pave the way for the creation of reality?
From: SUN TZU IN 36 STRATAGEMS. The Chinese Path of Strategy for Westerners (VA Edition Press, 2019).