Before You Rest in Peace... How About Living in Peace?
Jay Block (Semi Retired)
America's Motivational Rapid Employment Coach; Best-Selling McGraw-Hill Author; Co-founder PARWCC; Good Morning America Guest; Mentor to Industry Coaches and Organizations
3 Questions to Find Peace in the Midst of Chaos to Help You Achieve All You Deserve
I openly confess that the first half of my life was spent in self-imposed emotional turmoil. I am a competitive person, and when you compete with just about everything in life, your life becomes a non-stop and exhausting emotional roller coaster. My liberator was my awareness... I was fully aware that I did not like (or respect) who I was, when I was coasting down. I became used to "high drama" 24/7 - and had no peace in my life. I wanted to change. And I committed to change.
When it comes to making successful changes in this chaotic, stress-filled transformational world we live in - success achievement occurs only when you have a deep yearning to change. And this requires awareness, a desire to change, and a commitment to change.
I was aware of who I was and who I wanted to become. I wanted to change and finally, I committed to that change. When you are committed to change - to land a job, a promotion, or anything you have a desire in life to achieve - - because you are aware of the value it will bring to your life - - you will eagerly pursue it and achieve it. And so this happened to me. Once I finally committed to the changes I was aware I needed to make, I found the teachers and mentors to assist in my transformation.
And for the first time ever, I found peace with all aspects of my life, regardless of the setbacks and adversities I faced.
Why is commitment important?
Awareness without commitment is wasted. Take the example of a person who is aware that smoking cigarettes is not healthy - but continues to smoke because he is not yet committed to quitting. Or, the person who is aware that she is stuck in a toxic job with a bully-for-a-boss, but is not yet committed to making a change. You see, awareness is power only when fueled by a commitment to change.
Take a moment and think of times that you succeeded at changing something significant in your life. Were you not aware of the benefits that a successful change would have resulted in? Did you not want to change? And were you not totally committed to making the change - even (especially) in the wake of setback and adversities?
A battery only has life when there is negative and positive - same with life!
We know that in the pursuit of anything worthwhile - whether it's landing a new job, starting a new business, losing weight, improving relationships - anything - we will meet setbacks, rejection and adversities - the negative. And for most people, they cannot find peace in the face of adversity.
But... you know / have studied people who experienced peace in the midst of chaos
This doesn't mean they didn't have fears, tears, discomfort (27 years in jail for Nelson Mandela) or doubts. But they knew / know how to manage and control the negative to find peace and hope in the present. Gandhi, Churchill, Martin Luther King Jr., Oprah Winfrey. You don't have to be famous or in any way gifted to find peace or comfort in all the stuff life throws at you.
All you need to have is a reason to change (awareness of the benefits to changing) , a deep desire to change, and a commitment to change.
Commitment means never quitting - and finding peace in the pursuit.
The #1 enemy to success
Fear keeps most people from committing to their goals. When I work with clients who have a strong desire to succeed at something, but are fearful of committing to it because they are afraid of rejection, failure, ridicule, or any other form of resistance, my goal is to help them experience and feel the success they aspire to "today" - in their minds and in their hearts - so they can achieve success tomorrow. And it is the feelings and emotions that will lead them to overcome their fears and commit to their goals and desires. When you answer the following three questions, with deep emotion - where you can visualize and feel what it would be like to achieve whatever you want today - you will commit to it and achieve it in the future.
Three questions require 3 written answers
Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, we can achieve - if the emotion is high. These three questions are a means for inspiring yourself to see the future today, and to feel the pride, success, and reward in achieving their desires, before you actually achieve it.
Write a 2 SENTENCE ANSWER for each question. ?And these 2 sentences must be jammed-packed with emotion!
1) How will you feel once you achieve the success you desire?
2) What other people will you positively impact by achieving success - and how will they feel?
3) What will you have learned about yourself and the person you will become as a result of your success achievement?
I wanted to write a book back in the early 1990's but was fearful of failing, wasting my time, and being rejected by publishers. Commitment was a problem. So I wrote down my answers to the three questions. I noted them below (and notice I answered them all in the "present tense").
1. How will you feel once you achieve the success you desire?
I feel unbelievable; I'm a bestselling author just like John Grisham. I am signing my book at Liberties, my favorite bookstore in Boca Raton, where hundreds of people have come out to purchase my book and have me sign it for them; wow what a feeling!
2. Whose lives have you positively impacted by achieving your success; how will they feel?
I am a hero to my family; they are so proud of me. They no longer have to worry about me, my mental and emotional state, and our future financial well-being.
3. What have learned you about yourself and the person you have become because of your success achievement?
I have learned that when I remain in emotional control and set my sights on lofty goals in a fearless manner, there is nothing I can’t achieve. I am not only committed to living a fulfilling and rewarding life, but I will share my wisdom – all that I learned - with my clients, so they too can achieve a level of success they only dreamed of.
These 3 questions & answers - and my emotions that were tied to them - led to 18 books ?(12 titles by McGraw-Hill) over the past 24 years.
When we can see it, believe it, and feel it, - we will achieve it, ?with a deeper sense of peace while in the pursuit.
?So will you !
Director of Gaming Operations at Affinity Gaming, Lakeside Hotel & Casino
5 年Another Gem.
Managing Partner at Dale Sorensen Real Estate... A Tradition of Excellence Since 1978
5 年That's how we build the #1 real estate company in Vero Beach and Indian River County... by seeing and believing in our dreams and ambitions... before we even pursued and achieved it.