Before You Put A Ring On It
When a couple is thinking of getting married they don't often think about what tools are being handed down to them from the previous generation. And what if your tool kit looks different than your intended? When you get married you have to learn how to, not only the use the tools you are already bringing with you, you have to decide if some of the old tools are even worth keeping. You will also have to teach your husband or wife how to use the tools you have, and he or she will have to teach you to use the tools they bring with them.
Have you thought about what you may have to give up in order to make room for what he or she is bringing with them? This is important to understand, and most premarital counseling doesn't talk about what you will have to let go of and grieve in order to have a healthy Christ centered, heart connectd, spirit filled marriage. With a Dunamas? Marriages pre-engagement intensive you will learn what it will really take to have a marriage that survives and thrives before you even invest in the ring.
Don't spend money on a wedding day before investing in the marriage.
#dunamas, #dunamasmarriages, #Christianpremaritalintensives