Before you press the "send"? button
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Before you press the "send" button

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#5 Rules of Self - Due Diligence

Why are you sending it?

Why do they need this email/message?

Who else might see it?

How they will perceive it?

What’s the expected outcome?

Have you ever sent a message, post or an update or send an email without thinking about the top 5? How many times have you said “I wish I never sent that, I should have re written that, did know how they would take that, that’s not what I meant, didn’t think they would see that and how did that happen?”

You may create a total chaos just by sending a message without taking into consideration the above #5 rules of self-diligence process.

Have you ever thought the impact of the ineffective communication in your life? Wouldn’t you like to have better relationships in your personal life, business life even with yourself? Everything starts from how we communicate with people, how we send the message to them.

Most of the times we never think of the receiver, but we only think ourselves and what makes us feel good. As I mentioned above, I would describe this as a self – due diligence process. Is it really about us or about the receiver to get the right message we are trying to send?

Maybe we should see this in a different perspective. Think first what is the expected outcome that we would like to have, and then write our message. If we know the outcome, then it will give us a “frame” of the message. Also, give some time to yourself to think.

Avoid sending messages or emails when you are not in good state of mind, when you are upset or sad. 99% you will regret for sending that message. Instead of trying to save the situation by apologizing and explaining, just go through the #5 Rules of Self Diligence process and save yourself the apologies and regrets.

This rule system will help you to avoid “delete or amend”

This blog post & video was inspired by Mr. Mustardo. He is my inspiration.

Thank you for your time,


If you like to watch more videos, please subscribe on my You Tube Channel Nadia Themis 


