Before you ask about job switching
Driving Change, Delivering Success Transforming Businesses with Vision and Strategy Execution
What % of your senior leaders are home grown?
so What % of your executives are dedicated to master their craft in their current role?
Do your employees take pride just to be part of your organization?
Do ex employees have a forum where they love to identify as an ex employee?
Do your organization is continually producing national business leaders?
If you can positively answer the above questions then in an interview you can criticize people for changing jobs frequently.
We could not provide good line managers, we could not provide career paths, we could not promote right people in right time, we could not provide a high performing culture and we could not become an authentic organization but we become worried when competent people look for those things outside.
So before asking or challenging someone be prepared with your answer.
Its not you who will examine the potential candidate, truly potential talents will examine you.
They will do background check about your organization. (please do if you are reading)
There is still a silver lining, developing and transforming organization can bring hope for all the stakeholders.
Hope is the new currency in leadership and excellence.