???????????? Before You ??????????!
Alan Dickie
Speaker / Sales Trainer / Automotive Talent Aquisiton / Founder of The Entrepreneurial Collective ??
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You've heard the expression,
"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail?"
Well, if you haven't, you have now.
This expression is very accurate, yet many salespeople don't show up to the dealership each day with a plan. The majority of salespeople show up to work each day and they don't even pack a four leaf clover or a rabbit's foot in their back pocket in the name of creating success or should I say, getting lucky.
Look folks, while a blind squirrel finds a nut once and a while and a broken clock is right twice a day, you cannot lean on luck alone if you are looking to create a top performer's paycheck!
Top performers understand the power of a plan. Having a plan when you show up to work serves a number of functions. First and foremost, having a plan allows you to operate under one of my laws for success which is: ?????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????!
When you start your day with a specific design (a plan) you establish a purpose for the day, this allows discipline to show up. For example, if you say you are going to follow up with all leads from the previous day between 8am - 10am then that is the only thing you are going to allow yourself to do between that time period. When your fellow team members are saying "let's go for a coffee" or "listen to what happened to me last night" your discipline will show up and say, I'm busy, I'll catch up with you later.
It's the same in your personal life, if you have a plan to lose weight and you're at a birthday party and they offer you cake, you'll immediately say "no thank you, I'm losing weight and can't eat cake". Again, Purpose Provides Discipline.
Now, at this point I have made it clear that planning is crucial if you are going to create a top performers paychek, however now I want to explain the secret to creating a killer plan!
The key here is simple, you always finish things before you start them!
When creating a bullet proof game plan for success you must determine the end first!
Think about it, you may have recently seen a big sign along the road that said "COMING SOON" and it was a big condo building that was going to be built on a piece of land. You may have driven by that sign for up to a year and there was seemingly nothing happening.
Then, one day, you drove past and you saw someone finally sticking a shovel in the ground and figured "oh, they must be finally starting to build", NO, that was not what was happening at all!
While it may have seemed as though that was the case, the fact of the matter is they had long finished the project!
The would have,
-made the drawings
-submitted the drawings to the city for approval
-received approval from the city
-hired the various contractors necessary
-applied for all appropriate permits
My point is they would have FINISHED the building, considering everything that would be required and acquiring it BEFORE that shovel EVER entered the ground!
No successful builder would ever have said "get a shovel in the ground right away and then will start working on the drawings!"
So how do you apply this understanding to your career?
First thing is, determine the goal! IF you are looking to guarantee a 20 car performance this month than I would tell you that 100 conversations need to take place with individuals interested in a nicer, newer vehicle. I say 100 because the absolute worst industry closing average would be 20%. I'm confident as you read this you are closing at a rate above that however we are abiding by another one of my success laws which is,
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When you continue to reverse engineer this game plan you will realize that you need to average 3.3 of these contacts/conversations per day to hit 100 at months end.
This also opens you up to another one of my laws for success which is:
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That's correct, by taking this level of action not only will you ensure your result, you will also create so much repetition through your actions that you will automatically improve your skill set!
Your next step would be to plan how you will get in front of those 3.3 people each day?
-Dealership Orphan Lists
-Neighbourhood Partnership Programs
-Networking Groups
-Local business Interactions
I have 7 different lead generation strategies that I teach that will provide all of these answers and more here: ??????.????????????????????.??????/??????????????
Now that you have effectively determined your goal (20 car month) and you have reversed engineered the strategy (100 contacts or 3.3/day) you plan the actions you will take to reach those targets (lead generation approach) and there you have it, an effective game plan that will deliver you certainty!
Look, there are 5 to 10 of these game plans you should be implementing in your day to day activities that would allow you to sell FAR MORE vehicles that 20/month and perhaps we can talk about those another time.
For now, I want to remind you that if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail and most importantly, NEVER forget the fact that...
Successful people always FINISH things before they START them!
#MakeItAGreatDay ?? #ACESellingSystems