Before trying to launch a sales presentation, first get on the prospect’s wavelength.

Before trying to launch a sales presentation, first get on the prospect’s wavelength.

People are more likely to buy from a friend than a salesman. As you know, it takes a long time to build an enduring friendship. It is a lot easier to form a friendly relationship based on mutual trust and common interest. The first step is establishing rapport.

How do you establish rapport? Are you resourceful enough to find something besides business to discuss after you open the conversation? Here are three techniques you can try when greeting a prospect in the showroom:

1. Get to the point in 15 seconds.

2. Be upbeat and humorous.

3. Try to learn something personal about the prospect.

You first begin to establish rapport by getting to the point! It’s not necessary (and can be interpreted as insincere) to

ask “How are you today?” Just state your name, your company name and how you can help the prospect. Once you’ve done that, both you and the prospect can relax.

Is the prospect formal or friendly? Try to use humor a couple of times during the conversation (only if it feels natural; don’t force it). People love to laugh. A brief joke can do more for buyer rapport than 20 minutes worth of sales talk.

Another way to gain insight is just by listening. People love to talk about themselves. The prospect’s mood and personality will be immediately apparent. A few minutes conversation may reveal hometown, hobbies, pets, children and favorite vacation spots.

Sometimes the best way to make a sale is to stop acting like a salesperson. Prospects may avoid dealerships because they hate all of the closing games and manipulations they’ve experienced in the past. They don’t want to be pressured. It is up to you to make it clear that you are on a higher plane than those other salespeople and that time spent with you will be productive and beneficial. Here is where it pays off for you to know more about your dealership’s vehicles and services, and how they can be utilized effectively by the prospect. If you can position yourself as a buyer’s consultant as opposed to a salesperson, you’ll have a much higher probability of success.

Make it a champion day!



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