"Before taking of Berlin"
Before the new year I was talking that the possibility of peace talks about Ukraine crisis are close to zero, and now is clear that everything will be decided on the battlefield. The collective West will fight their “ideal” war for the destruction of Russia to the last Ukrainian, and also to the last European, looks like.
Russia encircled Bakhmut and now is ready for its offensive to the West. On the border with Ukraine are concentrated more than 15000 tanks, 1.5 million soldiers army, from which 650,000 hired army, mercenaries, 1000 reactive artillery system, 5000 heavy armored vehicles, etc., together with the new military strategy for international relations and nuclear doctrine, everything shows that Russia is ready for the offensive. So much military power has never been concentrated in a military conflict ever, even for the taking of Berlin.
What will do the collective West? Looks like fire is burning under the feet of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who rushed to Washington without his cohort of journalists and in full secrecy.
For Russia there are no alternatives except winning the war.
For Zelenski America has to send their sons and daughters to die for the "world democracy" on their land, what he said yesterday.
The idea that this time America, because of its oceans protection, wont be reached, is an utopia. All the Russian military systems are ready to start sending rockets to the USA. Collective West can try one of their Hollywood style provocations or deadly scenarios, type Chernobyl. The whole thing is that nobody believes in Hollywood happy ending any more. The visit of the foreign minister of the USA Blinken to the Southern ex Russian republics, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan showed zero result in their engagement in conflict with Russia. Only Poland could be a potential aggressor in Ukraine from the West, where actually there no Ukrainian forces at all, and could be taken territory, that could have evoked other European forces to be engaged in the conflict. Idea that could be easily blocked by the forces in Belarus, around 400 tanks, 600 armored vehicles, thousands airplanes, helicopters, 200000 soldiers.
Ordinary Germans meanwhile showed their whole country support for Russia in all their 50000 demonstrations in Berlin, covering the exposed Russian tank with flowers, and promises to start building Nord Strem pipeline. The same is the French response. Finland started to build a wall, because they know pretty well to whom they owe their independence, meaning Russia. Kaliningrad is like a military fortress with thousands fighter jets MIG 31K with the most new ultrasonic rockets Kinjal, Iskander, you name it. All military Russian ships are out of the hangars.
NATO has the most number of military heads, around 39000, but they are in the headquarters, taking fat checks, not in the battlefield. Most of the member NATO countries have no regular active armies. The documents of the pact are talking about the help in case one of the countries is attacked by an aggressor. But every country decides how to help actually. NATO could appear not so unified as it looks like, when they have to send troops on the battlefield.
But it is not a big problem for few thousands to be killed “defending the democracy” or simply said the biggest corporate interests and world dominion. In Vietnam died roughly 200000 American soldiers and mass protests were organized around the USA, but nothing stopped the big bacchanalia of the dying Rome. If someone still thinks that the protests stopped the war in Vietnam is in big mistake. It was China that threatened to enter Vietnam. That is a high stake bid. Few players can play that game so high. Nixon obviously couldn’t.
That is in short the situation with the special operation in Ukraine before “taking of Berlin.”