Before and After Corona
Charlie Seraphin
Author--The Story of Your Life, When Did You Stop Being You? and One Stupid Mistake
There have been widespread diseases, but few of us are old enough to remember the last global epidemic/pandemic. Communication in 1918 wasn't sophisticated. It was slow. No social media. Fast Forward--Remember what life was like a few weeks ago? Remember how all the problems you had then seem strange compared to the challenges you face today? Did you ever imagine that they'd cancel the NBA, Major League Baseball, NASCAR, MLS, the PGA and March Madness all at the same time? Ever thought you'd see bars and restaurants in New York and Chicago closed? Markets tumbling? Nursing homes quarantined from coast to coast? Did you even imagine that you'd be thinking and talking about social distancing? Waving to your friends from a distance? Staying away from work and church? President Trump on TV every day trying to explain the unexplainable? Welcome to AC--After Corona.
Whether you were ready to grasp it or not, the world turned upside down. The fear of a relentless virus, unleashed on the human population, has spread to every corner of the world. I just spent time explaining it to a person with dementia. She heard what I was saying, but there was no frame of reference, and it still didn't make sense why she wouldn't be going down to dinner. What we're experiencing is pretty much beyond imagination...hard to understand.
If you're looking to find the silver lining, think of it as a fresh start for each of us. Without even trying, the world has taken on a strange new identity. You don't have to pretend that things will ever be like they were before, and most important, you don't need to panic and start making irrational decisions. Welcome to AC. Slow it down, take a look, make a good decision, and follow it through. Don't hoard...toilet paper or anything else. From now on, you're in control of and responsible for your fate. Doesn't matter how people thought of you or you thought of yourself before, it all boils down to who you are, what you think, say, don't say, do or decide not to do. It's a whole new world here in AC.
Simple Rules For Success in the AC world: Pay attention to what you see. Encourage and help one another. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Be your best self in every situation. Take time to pray...for yourself, for the rest of us, and Stay Healthy.