Before 2020 end
Nurhanani Basri
Corporate Communications | Internal Communications | Branding | Events | Corporate Social Responsibilities | Social Media & Website Management | Digital Branding
Before 2020 ends. There’s no doubt that this year has been a wild one and simultaneously felt like it has flashed by in an instant while also drawing on for ages. All events of this year were unprecedented, and it’s probably safe to assume that the plans and vision we set from January this year had changed dramatically over the course of the last 11 months.
Try to think back on things that we felt hard about in the last few months like adjusting to work from home, the transition of face to face meetings to online platforms like Teams and Skype. All the efforts and initiatives taken around technology and digital media platform for communication within team and organisation or external parties was remarkable. I do think in early pandemic, we all have put in extra time at various points in the day and at strange hours, when it is no longer 8-5, but we made it.
In Malaysia, we start the lock down on March and since then the social media has been awash in people sharing how their lives are changing due to the corona virus. All the efforts to “flatten the curve” had been done, all the news showing how public are helping our frontliners by donating a full sets of PPEs to the hospitals. Younger people are helping the old and needy people to buy them essential foods and many more.
Despite the fact that we are spending much more time cooped up at home, this coronavirus also thought us to be more human.
It has changed the way we see and values people, how we communicate, engage and approach people during this period. People appreciate the “Human Touch” when we are reaching out to them. Seeing our friends and people around the world impacted in this pandemic are tragic. People are losing their job due to restructuring in business, some of them got pay cut, layoff and some of the business operations had been shut down during this period. It is a struggling moment for all, yes for all of us! With all this struggle in 2020, we all deserve a mental pat on the back and telling yourself that you did well this year.
Let’s pray that next year 2021 will be a better year for everyone!