Beer, Female Hormones, and Red Bull
Dear reader,
?If you've been reading me for a while, you’ve probably figured it out by now...
... I’m nothing if not a staunch feminist.
Take a cheap shot at the laydeez, and Papa Maverick will be there to set things straight.
For example, if some jackarse posted a sexist joke like this:
"Apparently beer contains female hormones. After you drink enough, you can neither drive nor shut the hell up!"
Well, you can bet I’d be the first to shut that down.
Anyway, speaking of popular beverages, I was thinking about Red Bull the other day. Like every strong brand, they have a catchphrase. I'm sure you've heard it.
It's this: Red Bull Gives You Wings.
Look, Red Bull doesn’t give you wings - it gives you a panic attack in a can.
You ever drink one of these??
It doesn’t give you energy - it just convinces your nervous system it’s being chased by a chainsaw. Five minutes in, and suddenly your resting heart rate is that of a pissed-off hummingbird,?your hands are writing checks your nervous system can’t cash, and you’re somehow wide awake but completely useless at the same time.
But people chug these like it’s the nectar of the gods.
You ever see someone who’s five Red Bulls deep? They turn into sugared-up toddlers - one bad moment away from a meltdown.
And for what??
So you can stay up all night making terrible decisions at 7-Eleven?
Just do cocaine like a responsible adult.
So I'm not a fan of Red Bull's drink, but I'll tell you this:
When it comes to Red Bull's marketing...
... There is No Bigger Fan Than Me!
Alright, look, if you want to learn how to market something, stop looking at those generic business books and start studying Dietrich Mateschitz, the co-founder of Red Bull.?
This guy didn’t just invent an energy drink, he figured out how to make people drink it like it’s holy water.
This guy made guerrilla marketing respectable. Kind of like how the movie Pretty Woman prettied up prostitution.
Mateschitz had an uncanny understanding of human behavior, and he used it to shape every single one of his marketing strategies.?
I’m talking about everything from nickel-and-dime guerrilla marketing to highly sophisticated, mind-bending campaigns. He wove deep psychological insights and sneaky marketing tricks into everything he touched, making his content go viral faster than you can crack open a can of Red Bull.
If you're busier than a cat burying a turd on a marble floor, you can outsource all that research and study.
In other words, you can grab all the insights and secrets I gleaned from studying this guy for three weeks.?
That’s right, you can take advantage of all my findings by getting your meat hooks on the March issue.
Here’s a quick look inside this issue:
*Red Bull’s game-changing marketing approach is the secret to its success. (Here’s how you can use this strategy to level up your own marketing.
*What’s the most dangerous thing for a brand? (It’s not what you expect, and it’s quietly shaping your success or failure. See this eye-opening answer on page 6.)
*Famous inventor/scientist reveals the one thing that can make or break your marketing message - are you missing it? (Page 6)
*The "bull semen" marketing story that holds a shockingly effective crisis management tip - and a secret that can make even the dullest product irresistible. - page 7
*Red Bull co-founder’s laughably simple (but powerful) two-step approach to branding. Once you understand this, you’ll see why some brands develop a cult following and others don’t. - page 1
*The genius branding insight that Red Bull’s co-founders used to turn a strange-tasting drink into a global powerhouse. (While competitors fought over formulas and flavors, they realized the real battle was for perception. Their strategy didn’t just sell an energy drink - it sold an identity, a lifestyle, a movement. The result? A brand so powerful that fans don’t just prefer it… they defend it. Here’s how this insight can help your brand… Page 17.)
*An “obvious-as-the-nose-on-Barbra Streisand’s-face” branding strategy that probably 9 out of 10 businesses are too “sophisticated” to even consider using! - page 2
*Dietrich Mateschitz's “easier-said-than-done” 3-step business formula for creating a brand so ingrained that fans don’t just buy it… they believe in it. (As I said, getting all three of these elements is tough - VERY tough. But just knowing what they are can help you. - page 2)
*The one marketing move Red Bull made that no other company dares to - and why it changes everything. (This single decision separates them from the pack, turning customers into die-hard believers. Believe it or not, even the little guy can use this gutsy marketing strategy if they have the stomach. - page 3)
*How Red Bull "flipped the script" on traditional marketing, and how you can start approaching your marketing in a similar way. - page 3
*An almost insultingly obvious marketing strategy. This strategy helped Red Bull go from selling fizzy headache medicine to becoming a $15 billion entertainment empire… while their bigger, richer competitors were too busy following the “proper” beverage marketing playbook to notice what was happening! (This is nothing new. In fact, this is something the cosmetics company founder Estee Lauder and copywriting legend Claude Hopkins were doing back in the 40s. - page 4)
Alrighty... if you wanna get your hands on the March issue, you'll first need to swing by here:
Your friend,