Been there and done that
I’d like to share my personal experience from being involved in large number of national natural disasters over the past years. First and foremost we need to lift up our fellow citizens in prayer and support as they under take the days that turn into week, that turn into months that ultimately turn into years of rebuilding their lives.
It is a blessing that Hurricane Harvey a Cat 4 Hurricane came ashore in Texas with the loss of just one life. My concern is the effects of a 500 year flooding event which follows will be much worse than the original hurricane.
Please pray for those experiencing this life altering event. Look into your heart how you can support these folks. Hopefully by sharing my past life’s experience I can describe what is going on in Texas and Louisiana. Maybe this will make it a little more understandable for those who have never experienced it for themselves.
Just as you see on the national and local news large numbers of our citizens are in great trouble. If these people can just make it out alive and without the loss of family members they consider themselves blessed. This is just starting point as people will be trying to survive for many days. We’re warned that areas will be receiving record (500 year event) flooding for up to four more days. That’s the end of rain but not the end of the flooding. Please pray the folks who evacuated will not go back home too early. If so they will only add to insanity and gridlock and possibly become victims themselves. Pray for those trapped that they have shelter, food and supplies to get them through the duration of the flooding. Most of us have never experienced the panic of total gridlock much less the flooding. Even the most rational of us are greatly affected by total gridlock and “when you add to that the danger of drowning and starvation” there is no such thing as rational.
In the first few day the only provision you have is what you have in stock and on hand. That will not last long for even those very well prepared. First responders are already in place. It’s was reported there where 100’s of water rescues in Houston alone last night (the first night) of this event. Basically the whole Gulf Coast of Texas was effected save the Brownsville area.
When you are your family are without food, shelter, and water many times people turn to stealing and looting to protect and provide for their own. Hopefully this is a moral decision you’ll never be face with but folks are there right now.
Now my experience of going to hurricanes to provide the services of my company for nearly twenty years. I’ve done this from my native Texas all the way to New England. In one named storm after another. I’m sure that even with my age I’ll be right in the middle of this one too.
· I’ve lived in public shelter (there are no motels to rent)
· I’ve eaten in Red Cross line (there are no restaurants)
· I’ve ran out of cash (there are no banks, and credit cards don’t work)
· I’ve stood in line for five gallons of gas
· I’ve not spoken to family, friends, for 20 days (no cell phone service)
· I’ve been forced to stay with victims because they took pity on me sleeping in my car
· I’ve seen victims open their homes and business to give free food and water to whoever needed it
· I’ve seen the best of people and I’ve seen the worse of people
· I’ve made lifelong friendship with the people I’ve meet
· I’ve worshipped with strangers
· Bottom-line we’re all just people and we can help each other or not, some will just turn a blind eye
Now the good news. If we all do a little and those who can, will do more then we’ll survive this disaster too. Just like all the ones before it? There will be shattered lives, destroyed dreams, uninsured propriety, and yes loss of irreplaceable lives.
God bless America and our wonderful fellow citizens