Bee like a Honeybee
Charles Cain
Career and Business Coach | I help individuals become leaders | Click the "Let's talk about YOU" link to schedule a complimentary 60-minute Coaching Conversation
Did you ever realize how dedicated Honeybees are to their family? Yeah me either. And yet a recent event has taught me just how dedicated they are to producing a home and the honey that comes along with it.
You see, recently we noticed that some honeybees had made a home inside of a structure we have. It had a small area in which the honeybees could get inside of the structure and start making the honeycombs. The environment around the structure had just the right plant life, the structure had great sun exposure on it, and so the bees decided to build inside of it.
We had a honeybee specialist (called a bee wrangler) come out, take the honeycombs (and the honey) out, extract the queen and the other bees that were on the honeycombs, and place the honeycombs inside of a beehive box. We sealed up the area where the bees were coming in, and thought that would be the end of the story.
The only problem was that they didn't get ALL of the honeybees. This weekend we noticed honeybees inside the structure again. And this time we observed them getting inside from a different place. Talk about dedication, persistence, and drive! They knew what they had achieved before, and they were not going to give up that perfect location so easily.
How often do we humans get discouraged at the first obstacle that shows up when we are trying to achieve a worthwhile goal? We start pointing fingers at others, or we tell ourselves we are supreme failures. We start looking for the quick and easy fix.
Why can't we bee (pun intended) like those honeybees? Trying different ways to get to the true goal, not giving up when the easy way is no more? Thomas Edison tried many different materials to make the filament inside of the light bulb. After hundreds, or was it thousands, of trials, he finally found the right combination of material that worked just right. He was like those honeybees.
This week, why don't we all show ourselves to be like those honeybees and never quit?
Until next time,
Coach Charles Cain