Bee Life – Natures Laws and Human Success

Bee Life – Natures Laws and Human Success

Human Rights?

Environmental Rights?

Earth Rights?

Future Rights?

Creature Rights?

The most urgent human, environmental, Earth, future and creature RIGHTS project of our time is to re-imagine business and our economic enterprise.

This is not so much a people problem as a systems problem. When the very system we use encodes profit at all cost, extraction to extinction, colonisation as the current playbook, exploitation of humans, earth, creatures and the future as business-as-usual, then we need to change the system.

Our legal system takes any asset, be that a human being, the land, a tree, an idea, knowledge, a child, or an elder (I shudder when I write these words) and encodes the ‘asset’ with law that transforms the asset into capital. In this new state, the capital can be traded, exchanged, packaged, sold…to the profit and privilege of only a few.?

Our current measuring system for human success requires growth in order to function. Endless, ideally massive, growth. A child can easily figure out that endless growth on a finite planet is not mathematically viable, yet alone viable for LIFE. GDP growth never includes the weightless immeasurable. The love economy. The care economy. The beauty economy.?

But the war economy – well, the more guns, the more dead, the more violence, the higher the GDP.?

And the health economy (or better said, sickness) – the more sickness, the greater the GDP growth.

Bucky Fuller said: Change the model. Make the existing model obsolete.

If you have ever seen the movie, The Lion King, you know what happens when the greedy hyenas eat everything. Everyone loses in the end, even the hyena.

It is the system, the design of the thing, that creates the way we do things. If the goal is the moon, the design of the spaceship is what will get us there.

Humanity’s goal right now, by our collective agreement – is to continue to allow obscene wealth and power to accumulate in the hands of the very few, while watching everything we care about disintegrate. Our beautiful home planet. Our precious creatures. Our own health. Aliveness. Our children’s future.

And, if we sit down and are really honest with ourselves, we know we cannot keep doing this.?

YET the task to change is so monumental. So seemingly impossible. We just want to live a dignified life, do good work, get paid well, spend time with our families, be healthy.?

For those who have been lucky enough to have enjoyed some measure of this simple desire for a good life, you now watch as it erodes before your eyes. Rising costs of living, uninhabitable land, decimated oceans! No longer able to hide our heads in the little box of localism in a global world, we cannot stand by as people starve, as the world drowns, as egomaniacs throw bombs, as our hard work is debased, and the ability to have that good life becomes harder and harder to achieve.?

People are mostly good. In my experience, people – at the root of the root and the core of the core – want similar things. To be loved. To be connected. To spend their days doing meaningful things.

So many people are doing such incredible work to change the existing models. From Kate Raworth’s Doughnut Economics, to Daniel Wahl’s work on Regenerative Culture, to Mariana Mazuccato’s work on Economics, to Daniel Schmachtenberger’s work around existential risk. Too many to list here. We are in debt to them all.?

What we intend to do at Syntropic World is change the very way we do business and co-ordinate humans, the very systems that we have, in recent history, till now, accepted as normal.?

Captivated by the work of Buckminster Fuller in my mid-twenties, my life has been dedicated to applying the models he taught – what he coined the Generalised Principles or Nature’s Law – to how we co-ordinate humans and build enterprises.

And let’s face it, bringing people together to do things, create art, solve problems, design beautiful artefacts, govern, lead, learn, play, build communities, create culture…is the key to creating the more beautiful world that we know is possible.

How do we humans with all of our diversity of opinion, education, cultural differences, ideologies and perspectives come together? That is, come together


Enabling healthy polarity and difference.

Baking integrity into everything.

Living justice.

Accepting the full measure of responsibility that comes with rights.

Imagine our collective goal is to get to the moon.?

We need to design the Spaceship that will get us there. The actual vehicle that will enable the travellers to collaborate, elevate, dignify and synergise all.?

In Syntropic World we know where we are going…quite simple really…increased wealth and wellbeing for Earth and all her creatures without ecological offence or the disadvantage of anyone…our work is to create the architecture of a ‘Spaceship’ that incentivises wellbeing for all. The structure and systems that enable ecologies for synergy, where we are better when we work together.?

The Systems that prioritise meaning, care, love, beauty, human and creature ingenuity, and an alive and beautiful future.

Where on the journey we thrive, flourish and emerge towards our more integrated selves.?

A Spaceship where success and survival are built-in for all. Not one at the cost of another, or some over others.

I get it! It sounds very utopian. Almost ridiculous in aspiration. Beyond possibility. Too big. Too hard.

Yet I am shocked that we humans would rather spend our time tinkering around the edges, or figuring out how to live on Mars (&^%!!!!), than actually work with love on enabling our home planet to become a home we all can live on syntropically.

I am happy to be the crazy idealist. The misfit and rebel. The one of many who dares.?

What I know through applied experience is that the approach of Syntropic World is incredibly practical and it works.

At minimum and immediately by implementing Nature’s Law the following happens.

  • People collaborate together well.
  • Partnerships build a foundation for endurance and synergy – no more messy partnership breakdowns.
  • People bring their whole amazing selves to work and work for love and joy as well as money. AND, they become accountable and responsible.
  • Planning and strategy dance with emergence, making the enterprise incredibly naturally resilient and adaptive.
  • Financing and provisioning open up to forgotten sectors of contribution.
  • People care about each other and their work.
  • The community served is enriched.
  • The future is brighter for everyone.?
  • Leadership shifts to – shape and space-holding rather than top-down.
  • Everyone becomes far better at communicating, at speaking truth with compassion, both in their work and lives.
  • Money is no longer the sole determinate of value.?
  • Justice is lived every day consistently.

Bucky Fuller captivated me because he clearly saw the more beautiful world as possible. He dedicated his every waking moment to creating it, and doing so with integrity as the essence of everything. His legacy is becoming ever more relevant today, as he knew it would.

As a younger women I was flummoxed that we humans had not considered applying Nature’s Laws to everything we do. How easy to step over the greatest University ever created. Our home Planet. Biology. Chemistry. Life.?

As a young science student I was in awe of the human body. Its capacity to co-ordinate, collaborate, harmonise, synthesise, discern, adapt, sense. Even now we know so very little about so much of it.

We are nature evolving, and we can only evolve more elegantly in cooperation with each other, including non-humans. We are so far from being able to do this well. Doing it well is what we at Syntropic World are all about.

Applying Nature’s Principles to everything we do – principles like Gravity, Synergy, Precession, Unity is Plural, 12 Degrees of Freedom, The Law of Interference (how we see), Polarity, Perturbation, Geometry of Space (space has shape).?

After all, we are at effect of Gravity every moment of our lives. Synergy is the greatest exponential technology available. The geometry of how we arrange human relationship and connections changes everything. Stabilising any system is essential. Considering the side effect of every action is critical for a future. Building polarity with conscious intent into all we do allows the evolving syntropy to emerge.?

Most of all, we become more whole, saturated with the gorgeous result of living as nature. Not separate. Not broken. As a part of the whole. Our innate intelligence able to flourish. Our desire to do, be and create a more beautiful world the force to fuel a life of glorious beauty, prosperity, care and love.

I doubt very much if the humble bumble Bee goes about their Bee Business working to ‘earn a living’, building bigger and bigger hives or complaining about being exploited, overworked and underpaid. My sense is that Bee is doing what is spontaneously arousable from within, using the same natural laws that humans also need. The side effect, or precession, of Bee business, is life on Earth. The Evolutionary Purpose of Syntropic World Principles working together is the same.

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Syntropic World is a global education and community of practice applying the organising principles of nature to enterprise design and human coordination. Creating ecologies of trust, ensuring integrity in everything, enabling collective sense making, and organising around a central purpose - how to create a world that works for 100% of humanity without ecological offence or the disadvantage of anyone.

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