Bed Time Story
Manas Ranjan Satpathy
Senior Vice President|Ex-Chief of HR|INDIA|Author of weekly newsletter“To-My-Son-Ethan”|Successful because of learnings from failures|Financial Services
In the quaint and tiny village called Padpadganj, there resided four delightful children named Avika, Chirant, Norah, and Ezra. These children were not only obedient but also playful, nurturing their bodies with wholesome food, embracing learning, enjoying restful sleep, and sharing endless joy in their playful activities. However, their village was also home to a mischievous troublemaker child named Gadgadganj, who delighted in causing mischief and fear among the children.
Gadgadganj would occasionally push Norah while drinking her milk, causing the hot liquid to spill and occasionally resulting in discomfort and minor injuries for her.
Feeling helpless, the children turned to their wise and brave friend, Ethan Amitabh Satpathy, who was known for his intelligence and mastery of self-defense. Upon hearing their plea, Ethan Amitabh vowed to assist them and devised a plan to teach Gadgadganj a lesson. Though Norah was initially scared, Ethan reassured her of her safety.
As the plan unfolded, Norah was drinking her milk one morning when Gadgadganj approached her with ill intentions. However, in a heroic act, Ethan Amitabh swiftly intervened, pushing the mischievous child aside and delivering a powerful kick that left Gadgadganj writhing in pain. Ethan sternly warned him to never disturb their peace again, and Gadgadganj fled, vowing never to return to the village.
Years later, as you read this story, it may bring a smile to your face, acknowledging the lightheartedness of the tale. While it may not be a masterpiece, credit must be given to your Papa for conjuring this story in no time. It entertained you, especially with the amusing names of Padpadganj and Gadgadganj that we playfully pronounced together in many ways.
Beyond its entertainment value, you should remember the story for its two important learnings that it serves:
1.??????????If you are empowered with skills or power and in a position to serve then do not hesitate to help people in need. It is a defining quality of a truly remarkable individual and a fundamental aspect of being human.
2.??????????Embrace the challenge of acquiring difficult skills as they empower and transform you.
Through this story, I could tell you the meaning of “tiny”. It delights me further whenever I hear you using this word in your daily conversations. At just 4.5 years old, this is an impressive start to your expanding vocabulary. ?