Becoming a Winner
If you’re not a winner, you’re a loser. Yep, that’s harsh, but true. Thankfully, however, winners don’t always win – in fact, winners lose 90% of the time. If losers lose and winners also lose, what makes the difference? Mindset.
Winners see life through a lens of optimism and value. Losers see life through a lens of pessimism and fear. Winners win because of how they think - losers lose because of how they think. The common denominator is the way they think.
Everything you do in life first gets initiated by your brain. The sequence of thoughts, patterns, habits, actions and outcomes start first with the way you think. If you change the way you think, you will change the world around you.
Winners face everything in life looking for opportunity – losers face everything in life looking for obstacles. A can do attitude and a can’t do attitude will both lead you down their respective paths. Chase a mindset of greatness and opportunity.
If you don’t know what you want, you won’t win. Dumb luck and consistently winning are very different. Losers float through life without clear direction, winners have a vision and pursue it. Clear goals drive action, which supplies results.
Winners are not afraid to put in the work necessary, while losers look for the easiest path. To do great things requires a tremendous amount of energy. Thankfully, winners don’t just do big things, they do thousands of the right things over and over again, eventually compounding into big results.
When faced with failure, winners learn from their mistakes – losers blame others for what went wrong. No one can fully control you except yourself, so focus on solving your problems and learning from your mistakes. To win big takes self-awareness, the ability to learn and the capacity to grow.
There is a winner in all of us – there is also a loser. The one that champions is the one we decide to feed, play with, learn about and partner with. Who will you be?