Becoming Superhuman
James Arthur Ray
Minister | New York Time Best-Selling Author | Inc. 500 Inductee | Leadership, Personal and Business Mentor | Business Consultant | Personal Consultant | Keynote Speaker
Triple Espresso: Becoming Superhuman. What does this mean? Is it real? How do you do it? Superhuman does NOT mean that you literally leap over tall buildings in a single bound. It does NOT mean you literally walk on water. But it DOES mean these things metaphorically. The prefix "super" means to "rise above, to replace to override, even to overthrow." So to become Superhuman you must rise above and replace the current state of man. The current state in which you operate. This is the highest level in "The Seven Levels of Spiritual Evolution" I teach my clients (that's another topic for another day; and much more detailed and deep than a quick TE). When you become Superhuman the obstacles in life (tall buildings) and the storms that come your way (water to walk on), don't stop you or take you down anymore. There's a Science, Psychology and Strategy to Superhuman Performance; and that's the entire thrust of your own Mental Mastery. That's where TRUE POWER MUST begin. It takes work. It takes struggling with The Resistance of the small socialized and conditioned mind; and following the pull and the call of the higher self. It takes a lifelong commitment to your own greatness which unfortunately very few have. It's NEVER about, "Oh, I'll get here and stop." It's about "I'll NEVER stop until the complete victory is mine. Physically, Emotionally, Mentally, and Spiritually. Will you commit to Superhuman? Will you commit to rising above the common to a new level of greatness? It's the only Leadership Journey worth taking; and the rewards are immense. THE REDEMPTION EXPERIENCE? is where it all begins. NOW is your time. There's still time to make 2021 your BEST year ever! Details here: #ThursdayThoughts #thursdaymotivation #thursdaymorning #leadership #business #futureleadership #redemption #redemptiveleadership #jamesarthurray #jamesray #BersabehRay #jamesarthurandbearray
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