Our Souls are on a mission. The Soul's mission is to guide the evolution of Humanity and Christ-Consciousness to achieve a new level of harmony, peace, and collaboration here on Earth. We are here with a purpose. Our purpose is more extensive and more significant than we know. What we know to be the ultimate truth and reality is not accurate.

Our outer life is an illusion we created to find comfort and acceptance and to make sense of everything. Every religion or spiritual teaching has its own ideas and philosophies of our existence and, thus, our journey on Earth. But ultimately, we all have an innate knowledge of why we are here. We know it, see it, and feel it at different moments during our lives.? It is part of our Spiritual DNA.

What I came to understand is that each Soul has a mission. These missions can only be carried out on Earth in physical form. Each Soul's journey's mission is unique to them, and each one is at a different level of development during each life cycle.

As such, Souls has distinct tasks to accomplish. When they complete their chosen lesson, they return to the outer spirit world with more knowledge, wisdom, and a higher dimensional existence. This happens only if they do the work they assigned for themselves when they come into this physical beingness.

The Soul will continue this Earthly journey forever until it has undergone all the different stages of its development:










and, most importantly, love.

Pure, unconditional love.

A love so grand that it embraces the whole world, universe, and outer dimensions.

A love without attachment to stuff, material things, emotions, feelings, thoughts, expectations, and conditional outcomes.

A love that is beyond the comprehension of the ego.


Earth is filled with rage, anger, jealousy, pain, revenge, and disappointments. Until we can eradicate these low-vibrational energies, each Soul will return to assist in the evolution and transformation of the world century after century.?

I've come to the understanding that our Spirit Guides and our Spirit tribes are helping us here on Earth, and I'll elaborate further in later chapters.

These Souls have already undergone their journey on Earth and are now assisting us from the other side, moving humans into the new reality of living a conscious lifestyle.

Some are newbies, young Souls learning, growing, expanding, and becoming. Others are Old Souls. They have been making this journey for a very long time and have unique insight and knowledge they brought with them and can remember and tap into that source of wisdom instinctively.

This information made me become a consciously active player in my Soul's journey toward its ultimate goal. When a Soul does its due diligence in advancing Humanity, it, in turn, will fulfill its destined end result.?

Our Souls have a choice, like graduating with the highest academic degree. Each level leads them towards that time when they get to check off everything on their to-do list and are awarded the highest rank, "Sitting on the right hand of God,"- meaning reaching pure happiness, love, and bliss.

Once they arrive at this higher level, they may decide whether to reincarnate and return to Earth again—it becomes their choice. This is the level of pure enlightenment.

The highly evolved Souls, those who have already completed their purpose, may choose to return with the specific goal of steering Humanity into a new age with a big audacious movement, innovations, or revelation, moving the evolution of human potential forward in giant bounds and leaps.

For you, that means you are creating a better life journey for your Soul's future return, its next trip to Earth. When you create a better life for yourself and others NOW, in this lifetime, you also design a better lifestyle for your Spirit's subsequent follow-up journey—meaning when you return to another physical body.

Having this knowledge opened my eyes to the big picture of our existence. The everyday mundane worries we create in our lives are nothing compared to the true goal of our existence.?

The more knowledge, information, and skills you acquire while still in possession of your physical body, the better you prepare yourself, not just now on Earth, to do your part in this process but to be able to continue your purpose even as you crossover, becoming a Spirit Guide, to help the next generation of Humanity evolve into the New Earth it is moving towards.?

Subsequently, as a Spirit Guide in the afterlife, your Spirit will assist the following generation on this Earth in fulfilling their Soul's purpose while elevating the Christ consciousness collectively. Each of us has the opportunity to be a critical factor in making significant changes in Humanity's ongoing growth and expansion.

?I, personally, get to work from behind the curtains, Oh yeah, a performer forever until I return for another bout, another walk on this Earth.

My job and quest during this journey are two-fold.

First, while I am still here in the physical body that is hosting my Soul, I will elevate my wisdom and knowledge about the inner workings of our Soul, our divine purpose in life, and my contribution right now by sending constant high-positive-frequency vibration into the world filled with love, forgiveness, compassion, perseverance, unity, prosperity, health, and well-being.?

I get to contribute to this expansion through my daily rituals of meditating, contemplating, building up my energy supply, staying happy, and being aware of my thoughts, speech, and actions.

Secondly, the same effort I am making to create more harmony and peace on Earth will also be the skills I'll need in the afterlife to continue to grow and expand and guide the next generation toward reaching the ultimate goal of peace and harmony on Earth.

Helping to advance Humanity and its mission of reaching a higher level of understanding and acceptance of the way the universe works, I am once more preparing my Spirit for its next journey when it returns to Earth to continue its studies of the Art of the Universal Laws.

Every time I allow my Spirit guides to communicate with me, manifesting new, innovative, and exciting ideas that transform into physical reality, I give my Soul the opportunity to elevate to a higher realm in its spiritual journey and development. This, in turn, benefits my Soul in preparation for its next reincarnation and securing my chances of an even more prosperous and abundant lifestyle.

Be aware of your thoughts, your words, and your actions. Live as much as you can in the here and now. Be mindful and present. Be grateful and appreciative.

Our journey is infinite.

There is no ending to it. We return each time to advance the evolution of humankind and elevate our Soul-Spirit into a better, joyous, and more fulfilling place in the Spirit's afterworld and your future incarnated body.

My saying goes like this: "The only thing I get to take with me upon my death is the knowledge and wisdom I acquire during my life on Earth."

This is an ongoing journey. Understand this, and you will see the bigger picture of your life. You will know that this life right now is just a sliver of the many lives you have already lived and will live again in the future.

I bid you bon voyage.


Becoming a Spirit Guide in the Now and Hereafter by Dr. Karina G Felix.

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5 个月

Very helpful



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