Becoming A Sage Physician
Delia Chiaramonte, MD, MS
Integrative Palliative Care Physician | “Healing the Heart of the Healer” for Oncology and Palliative Care Clinicians | Podcast Host | Coach | Speaker | Author, Coping Courageously | Director Med Ed, McGraw Hill
Pizza parties and yoga don't make up for a broken healthcare system.
You went to medical school to be a healer. You studied your a$$ off, agonized about the MCATs, and earnestly wrote in your personal statement that you wanted to "help people."
How's that going?
If you're like me, you learned in med school, and again in residency, that your needs come second, if at all. You probably got the message that you don't need to eat or sleep or pee, and you'd certainly better not cry. And as an attending you're dealing with EMRs, endless administrative tasks, and time-consuming documentation requirements.
No wonder physicians are exhausted.
Yet getting stuck in the muck of it all doesn't help your patients, and it certainly doesn't help you.
Being a 'medical martyr' will make you burnout crispy in no time, and becoming disconnected and numb is simply heartbreaking.
There is no doubt that the system needs fixing and we all have a part in that. Yet, I propose that we don't wait until it is all fixed to actively pursue a more satisfying path.
We can become Sage Physicians right now. What is a Sage Physician?
Sage Physicians are:
Let's support each other in becoming Sage Physicians.
I'm happy to be on the journey with you.
Delia Chiaramonte, MD | Integrative Palliative Institute
speaker - The Empowered Butterfly Method - alternative to suicide ideation
1 年The Empowered Butterfly Method assists in avoiding burn out
Orthopaedic Surgeon-Scientist
1 年I love your work Delia! We need physicians like you. It’s time to learn how to reduce the impact that our practice has on ourselves!