Becoming Receptive
Ryan Kauth
business ownership advocate | university lecturer | business coach | fractional executive | podcast host | facilitator | founder
Reception has several meanings. A wedding reception. A reception desk to help you check in at a hotel. The first thing I thought of trying to get the picture in on an old television set. There are others.
Adam Grant says 19 words can create a relationship. Those words are based on the fact that the communicator has high expectations and that the communicator of these words knows that the person who is hearing their words can meet those expectations.
But there is still a missing piece here. If we are saying those words, we need someone who is receptive to what we have to say.
I really like the book Becoming Coachable by Scott Osman , Jacquelyn Lane and Marshall Goldsmith . Before recommending someone spend the $10 on it, I try to gauge if they are at least a semi-serious coaching prospect. Essentially, I'm looking for someone who is receptive to coaching.
When the book came out, the Kindle edition was 99 cents. I had what I thought was a prospect, but I wasn't sure if they were really looking for validation rather than a coach. In the end, I got my answer. It was a good lesson. I didn't have a receptive ear.
I know there are memes out there that say you shouldn't "waste your time" with people who aren't receptive. I view them as not ready yet. At some point, we all actually are.
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Ryan Kauth
Ryan Kauth is a coach for established founders and family enterprise leaders. He also does fractional executive work (CEO, Chief of Staff) and teaches at the Wisconsin School of Business. 30 minutes is all you need to determine if coaching is right for you, and if Ryan is the right coach for you. If you are on the fence, read that book noted up there. He did.