On Becoming A Neighborhood Expert
Neighborhood Evening Twilight Open House

On Becoming A Neighborhood Expert

For the past 7 weeks Adam and I have been responding to the San Francisco Chronicle and the editor of SF Gate featured in their SOUND OFF, Ask A Realtor section. Here is this week's Q and A.

Question: "How long does it?take to become an expert on a neighborhood or region and?how did you do it?"

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Answer: As a Piedmont native, and graduate of Wildwood Elementary, Piedmont Junior High, Piedmont High and UC Berkekey, I had a head start when I began selling real estate 15 years later. Although I knew many longtime residents — parents of classmates — I had to get to know the new generation. As a returning neighbor, to Piedmont, I began to meet people and make new friends through our children. My 2 year old son, nicknamed, The Pope of Piedmont. Chase knew everyone at the park where he played with all his young friends. As a new mom I joined the Neighbors & Newcomers Club, and was asked to join CSL (the Children’s Support League) a local charity. I discovered I really enjoyed charity work so I joined 3 more. As parents, we volunteered in the schools and donated to almost every cause, charity or school function we were asked to.?Beyond understanding the schools, the community and the activities offered to residents, I shared details on restaurants, local travel destinations, and could provide any referral or resource a homeowner (Buyer or Seller) would need. No matter which neighborhood I serve, timing will be as long as it takes for a Realtor to immerse themselves into a community. Volunteerism is a great way to connect authentically. I always tell my agents — do what you love and you’ll connect with clients authentically. If you enjoy golf, golf. If you play tennis, do that. If you cook, share recipes and attend cooking classes, or host one of your own. I’m a teacher and writer, so over the years I’ve hosted many seminars, twilight open house cocktail parties and write a few blogs.

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