Becoming a Man of High Value
What does it mean to be a Man of High Value? No, it is not a scientific or mathematical formula… though it does rely on the basic understanding of mental, physical and spiritual sciences. Every man is made of three parts, intertwined: mind, body and spirit. To neglect one is to neglect all.
A man of high value always knows his limitations, but more importantly, knows his gifts. To know only one is to lose the value of both.
A man of high value always seeks to give without return, while accepting the gifts of others with an open heart.
A man of high value has mastery over himself, while inspiring others to follow suite.
A man of high value has the thirst for wisdom, a depth of knowledge and the ability to discern between the two.
A man of high value seeks to provide opportunity for others, while fostering their growth.
A man of high value empowers others through his strengths, while refining himself by addressing his weaknesses.
A man of high value knows when to talk, how to listen and why to walk away.
A man of high value is in control of his financial health.
A man of high value takes immediate action for tomorrows blessings.
A man of high value understands his purpose, while leading others to theirs.
A man of high value knows who to question, why to give answers and how to give advice.
A man of high value seeks legacy, not applause.
A man of high value lives by principle, acts on values and gives through purpose.