Becoming Harder to Kill
I’ve been taking on a lot of physical challenges lately. Whenever anybody works out or loses weight, everybody thinks it’s all about vanity.
You can’t help but admit that when you lose weight and make a transformation, a certain level of pride & elevated self-esteem comes with that. That’s really a fringe benefit, along with health and longevity.
The real purpose behind 12 Minutes of Death, Story Athletes, 1% daily improvement, & living a challenge-based life is literally to become harder to kill!
And the harder we are to kill, the harder we are to defeat in any type of battle. The battle for happiness, jobs, customers & clients, sports, glory, “Get the Girl/Guy”, lead in the play etc... Life is full of competition. If you don’t compete you’ve already lost.
Even in this day and age, we can be faced with the ultimate competition—Survival. There’s a misconception that in a life or death situations, weapons alone will save you.
I was talking with a retailer at a gun show about his backpacks. He bragged about how he could carry thousands of rounds in it in case of an "urban warfare situation. “…
I couldn’t help but notice he was very out of shape. I’m not judging, but since I’ve been doing 12MOD I’ve come to know how quick you can run out of gas and be flat on your back.
I doubt this guy could run a ? mile without stopping. Add 30 lbs of ammo and carrying a rifle into the equation and he would probably collapse from exhaustion before he reached the ? way point.
What are the odds that he would be able to hold his arms up, let alone shoot a rifle with any accuracy to save his own life from the bad guys?
Have you ever tried to do something that takes dexterity when you’ve fully emptied your tank?
When I get done with a !2MOD, I’m useless for like 5-10 minutes. When I first started, it was an hour or more to recover.
Gavin would ask me a simple question and I can’t process it. “What?! You want what?! Buddy I’m sorry, give me like 10 minutes please…” I usually manage to get out while catching my breath.
The point is, you can have all kinds of weapons, but if you can’t even run to safety, or even use them if you do get there, what good are they? And the same goes for the latest & greatest tech & tools.
Like the guy with a $2K set of golf clubs that dresses like Bagger Vance but can’t hit the ball.
Now I realize that it’s not likely that most of us will ever be involved in a real life or death situation with an enemy combatant. Although it is becoming more likely every day. But accidents happen all the time.
You might need to pull yourself, or somebody else back over a ledge, into a boat, or from a burning car or building.
Maybe you’re camping and somebody gets severely hurt or they’re allergic to bees and get stung and you have no car? You’re the only person that can run for help 3 miles to the ranger station.
There are all sorts of modern-day circumstances where poor physical conditioning can cost somebody their life.
But if you are pushing yourself to reach new physical & mental limits, you will have a much greater chance of not only survival, but also in competition.
When you’re harder to kill, facing challenges or competition in anything else is like a cake walk.
Because you know how to survive which translates to knowing how to win.
That’s why I’m becoming harder to kill.
Plus, when my kid sees me "becoming", he wants to become harder to kill too.
#BecomingHarderToKill #12Minutesofdeath#StoryAthlete #ChallengeBasedLife