Becoming a Growth Marketer: An Agile Jack-of-All Trades?
Bernhard Klug
Head of Marketing @ Digicust - Skalierbare Zollautomatisierung mit KI-Assistenten | Growth Marketing & Business Development
What do Growth Marketers actually do?
In today's swiftly changing marketing environment, marketers must frequently adapt to the introduction of new digital marketing tactics and the emergence and disappearance of social media platforms.
Despite the fact that no one person can be truly knowledgeable about all aspects of growth marketing, an expert in the field should have a basic understanding of the major areas of digital and offline marketing.
But what exactly is growth marketing and how do you do it?
Everybody talks about growth marketing in the context of experimentation and testing.
Just do it, and check out whatever works?
The question arises:
To what extent would Reddit Ads be an effective marketing strategy? Is the TikTok platform a viable marketplace for our product?
I have found Growth Marketing to be a mix of four elements: Mindset, Skills, Tech, and Analytics.
To be a good growth marketer, you should be able to combine creativity with analytical skills and the ability to execute a strategy quickly.
A growth marketer's goal is to identify and take advantage of new opportunities to build and engage your audience. This could include identifying new marketing channels or creating pieces of content to test.
The growth mindset should emphasise three things: testing, testing and testing.
A growth marketing specialist must have a varied skill set and be able to switch between tasks quickly. He or she should be able to analyse data and make decisions based on that data while also being able to develop and execute marketing campaigns. In this role you will be held accountable for meeting targets and goals.
The ability to use technology is an essential skill for any marketer involved in growth marketing. A successful growth marketing campaign requires the use of a variety of tools for managing a campaign from awareness to purchase and retention. Such tools include Excel, Google Sheets and CRM software, ad platforms and many others.
Growth marketers who wish to build a brand that will succeed over time should implement scalable analytics systems.
Marketing analytics can help maximise your strategy and unlock new growth potential. But beyond that, smart marketing analytics can also help you understand the core business challenges you face.
Because experiments are expensive, it is tempting to invest one’s marketing budget in only those initiatives that seem to be working. Growth marketing, however, enables firms to make more informed decisions about where to invest their money in the future by using prior successes as a guide for future investments.
The juggler
A growth marketer may need to plan, organise, execute, and manage all at once. While a marketing manager needs to execute one plan at a time, a growth marketer juggles many roles.?
Warning: Growth Marketing is not Growth Marketing?
Growth marketing is not strictly defined and there is no certification for professionals in the field. At the same time, growth marketing is constantly changing and evolving as new strategies are developed, tested, and implemented.
Good ideas of today can become the trash of tomorrow.
Bhandari, R., Singer, M. and Van Der Scheer, H. (2014) Using marketing analytics to drive superior growth Available from [accessed 23 January 2023].
Donk, K. (n.d.) 12 Essential Skills for Expert Growth Marketing Managers Available from [accessed 23 January 2023].
Kotze, T. (n.d.) 8 Reasons Marketing Analytics Should be in Your Growth Strategy Available from [accessed 23 January 2023].
Lessons (n.d.) Available from [accessed 23 January 2023].