Becoming - Edition 18 of Exploring, Inviting, Pondering.
Tim Collings
Nurturing regenerative capability with groups, organisations and communities, co-creating better futures for all.
Hello, and welcome back to my topical letter. I appreciate your patience, those of you who have consistently devoted a few minutes of your time and space each month to my words, and I renew here with you my intention for this letter to become (yes, very much the word we are attending to) monthly once again.
Becoming is a topic I've been exploring intermittently since my teenage years, and in the last month I've been invited to consider my own journey of becoming into my current form, to contribute a chapter to a book of a guide, fellow and dear friend. More to come on this once I hear whether my writing is accepted by the publisher!
In my reflections on my journey to this point, and seeking to practice my futures work and consider the possible pathways ahead, I was drawn back to an adaptive framework I encountered in becoming a Narrative Coach, guided by David Drake, and so find here a continuity from the last letter on framework thinking.
What I noticed in considering my becoming, was a series of cycles through identifiable stages. Yes, I consider these cycles of growth in a way, although more cycles of awareness and capacity than expertise or acquisition of knowledge, wealth or experience. I'll look forward to sharing more of the specifics of this exploration as I expand on this particular framework in articles in the monthly ahead.
The invitation I share is to open up some time and space for yourself in these remaining months of the year to consider your own journey of becoming. Is there a discernible path clearly viewed both in how you got here, and what lies ahead? Are there patterns emerging in the process of becoming you behold? In your considering, do any intentions arise which could affect the continuing becoming ahead of you in the next cycle which awaits?
I appreciate I have provided a few prompts to ponder already, which may be sufficient. To provide one more, and a final invitation to carry any of these with you if useful,
What calling do you feel in the becoming you are attending to? What might await you if you heeded it?
Thanks as always for your time and attention with my words today.
Be well, lead well and keep on co-creating regenerative futures.