Becoming creative thinker
Dear Readers, I welcome you to the World of unstoppable success.?
It took me more than 3 years to write this book,?B4Success…the revolution within| Develop your magical instinct.?Before starting this book many more years has been utilized in the extensive research about people psychology, Brain’s biochemistry and chemistry of emotions that is present in every individual’s Brain circuits in the form of neural networks. There are multiple complex galaxies of neuro-synaptic connections that are driving our thought process, emotional equations, our competencies , our capabilities and even our earnings.?
A mind filled with emotional molecules of worry or sorrow or fear or anxiety or any kind?of insecurity, will not provide the needed space for creative thoughts or?innovations to sprout. The known fact is only a composed?happy mind can cultivate the right environment for your thoughts to?flourish and formulate success. But,is it practically possible to keep your mind happy and clam in all?states of affairs? If possible, then it is a true magic that all of us need to?learn. May be some of those, who are successful, hold such magical instinct?within them already. It’s crucial to search the existence of that magical?instinct.?
I, the author, have met thousands of people formally and informally with one purpose – to discover the reality of that magical instinct. I met with employers and managers spanning from top companies to small scale industries. I met with students spanning from top-notch IITs and IIMs to average graduate colleges. I met with owners of most renowned convent & public schools of rich metro cities and school masters of poor villages. I met with their students and alumni. I met with many couples, parents, homemakers, working & non-working men and women. I observed the life of millionaire business tycoons to the owners of roadside tea-stalls. I met with those who are financially stable and safe. I also met with those?who are struggling for their daily wages.
I asked everyone a single open question.
“Are you successful, satisfied and happy?”
Answers I got has stunned me. 90% of them said no, they are not so?happy, satisfied or successful as they want to be. The business tycoon said?the same, managers said the same, employers said the same, employees?said the same, unemployed people said the same, owners of rich convent?schools said the same, school teacher said the same, poor villagers said the
same, IITain said the same, other students said the same, even couples and?parents said the same.
Next question I asked is, “why?”
I received many interesting, thought provoking, simplistic, idealistic, idiosyncratic, ironic, materialistic, non-materialistic, realistic, unrealistic, deterministic, vague, emotional, intelligent, foolish, mild, intense, wired and sophisticated answers. It has been difficult to find a person who appreciates his life as ideal?life. Some extra empathetic people proudly declare that their life is full of?sacrifices. Some extra demanding people believe that they have achieved?success but it’s too little to be happy. Some claim that they achieved?sufficient financial success but, in that race, their inner-self has become so?much empty, it feels sad & lonely inside. There are many who believe that?life is wasted due to hard luck and hostile situations.
It’s not just their story but ours as well.?Many of us would find ourselves?so much indulged in fulfilling daily responsibilities that we do not even?think of how to incorporate happiness for the self.?Now it’s time to ask the same question from yourself.?
Are you successful, satisfied and happy?
Your answer may have just crossed through your mind. But wait. Take?a pause. Rewind all underlying scenes behind your answer. Rewind it as?slow as you can “feel” each scene once again. Unfold each spark of feeling.?Explore each frame of your life. Frames of your work, job or business.?Frames of your financial status. Frames of relationships with friends,?family and society. Frame of relationship with your spouse. Frames of your?personal desires and unfulfilled dreams. Frame of your self-awareness and?self-esteem. Frames of your expectations from self and from others. Frame?of your luck. Frames of your beliefs.Scratch each layer of your feeling. Go?deep and deeper within yourself.
What is your?finding? Everything that has just passed through your mind in a fraction?of second was actually an ergodic series of thoughts and impressions from?your past. Thoughts created alive mental pictures of all the pleasure and?pain you have gone though in your life.
“Pleasure and pain are two fundamental forms of feelings
and either one of two is present within you all the time.”
Observe carefully, what’s flashing inside your mind right now? It’s a?wide spectrum of feelings, moving randomly from one corner to the other?corner in their visual forms on the canvas of your imaginations. Isn’t it!?You have been living with all these feelings ever since long. Every layer?of “living feelings” has its own immutable importance. You may recognize?your success, satisfaction or happiness at one side of spectrum. Then?failure, dissatisfaction or unhappiness on another side of spectrum. Your?feelings associated with your work or job or success are different from your?feelings associated with relationships. Different feelings and associations
hold different intensities. An essential catch is, you never have same?measurement scale for your all relationships, rather you have unconsciously?created different measuring scales for all your different relationships. What?you measure on those scales, nothing but the expectations versus fulfillment?of those expectations. Whenever a relationship falls short on your scale, it
triggers the feelings of dissatisfaction & conflict.?On the opposite side,?when it fits full on the scale it triggers the feelings of happiness.?Feelings have charismatic quality to design your environment of living.?Every feeling attracts same kind of feelings towards itself and multiplies?quickly.?The silent fact is-Our life is governed by these “alive-feelings” living within us.?If we have more alive-feelings of joy than sorrow within us, then life?becomes dance floor for happiness. If not, then life becomes a bumpy ugly?boring ride.
Success is not a virtue or bless, it’s an outcome of our fully developed personal-core. If we want to attain the higher level of success, we do not have much choices to choose from, we must adapt the self-development plan to become that person who deserves the next level of success. That’s it and that’s all.
What we are today is the result of what we did in past. What we did was the result of thoughts we manifested within us. What we thought was results of our paradigm. The kind paradigm we held within us was not formed at once. It has started to shape molecule by molecule, drop by drop and crystal by crystal from the day, we born on this planet earth. This formation has been evolutionary and continuous. It has created our whole existence. It is embodied within us like inseparable element.
We love to agree with people who agree with us. That’s why we remain interested in people who resonate with our opinions. That’s why we mostly hang out with people who hold similar views and tastes. We tend to avoid individuals, groups, news sources, information media and entertainment media that make us feel insecure about our own views. We live in the preferential mode of behavior that leads to unconscious act of referencing only to those perspectives that ignite with our existing mind-set, while at the same time we ignore or dismiss all other opinions, no matter how valid they are. We tend to believe what is believed by our mind-space, that’s why we tend to choose the option that our mind wants us to choose, then no matter how acidic it is. Without knowing our own priorities, capabilities or potentials, we tend to choose that everyone else is choosing around us relating to career, stocks, commodities or lifestyle.
Nothing else can motivate us as intensely as the Joy of attaining the success milestones. This joy generates energy and positivity on incremental basis. When you solve problems quickly, effortlessly and easily then you open-up the tap of your true potential for success. But, when you are not able to do so, the size of problem keeps growing, required efforts for resolution also rise and it goes difficult to invest efforts and time later. When you have numerous such problems accumulated within your mind-space, it becomes tedious to solve them all together, you never find that mammoth of time, energy and effort to invest. Then, as last resort, you drag yourself into the “let it be” mode.
When problems remain unsolved, they have nothing else to produce but reoccurring anxiety and stress. When stress becomes part of life, it starts catalyzing the problem-multipliers# in every dimension of life. It starts rusting on your emotional-setup. When this happens, emptiness inside “heart” becomes predominant. Gradually your decisions become tenuous. Your actions produce wrong results. Disappointments accumulate, to manifest feeling of depression. Liveliness disappears. Your nature becomes dull and boring. Search for lost happiness becomes an agenda.
“What we are is what we are. But what we can be, is dependent on our ability to rebuild our paradigm with great care and consciousness.”
We should be able to develop new emotional patterns within us. We should be able to develop a new factory of thoughts within us. We should be able to transform our whole existence into a new institution of right beliefs and excellent value systems. We should be able to retire our aged profitless mental-patterns, unsound thinking, non gratifying behavior and replace them with the feting ones. We should be able to develop a charismatic personal-core and victorious intrinsic-personal-tendency. We should be able to bridge the gap-traps smartly and firmly. We should be able to achieve the level-5 success as early as possible. But how?
If you dream for a better life, many “how’s” may have started crowding in your mind space by now. This book has answer to all those questions flashing over the canvas of your subconscious living. You will see that every page of this book will relate with your current and desired life in a significant way. You will encounter with step by step cognitive thrust that will kick-start the cultivation of real seed-patterns at the roots of your thought process to grow the desired success tree loaded with all those fruits you have been waiting for so long.
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