Becoming the Change that You’re Seeking to Find

Becoming the Change that You’re Seeking to Find

Mahatma Ghandi the liberator of modern-day India best ascribed the role of anyone that desired to see improvement in their life and society

You must become the change that you wish to see in the world

His thought is a fantastic summary of anyone that possesses a strong sense of Social Advocacy or spiritual types …a theological Social Gospel


One on my favorite Bishops that lives in Lebanon that is nearly one hundred years old was an inspiring mentor to my Social Gospel

If theology is a vision of God, it must always be a source of action


Our professors at the Seminary urged us to go forth into the world from our beautiful jewel like sparkling churches to bring the wisdom of our ancient faith

They also challenge a movement of some seminarians that believed that monasticism was the greater calling

The most profound and mystical encounter with the Divine One was with those that stood in the midst of God’s People


These influences were significant in my formation and also coincided with a similar Social Gospel message within this surge of Evangelicalism in America following Reagan’s Vision of this Nation as a Shining City on a Hill.


While this may sound na?ve to some as I reflect upon forty plus years of following that vision

…the collective positive achievements have enriched and improved the lives of several generations

Just like Ghandi advised – life was a participation sport not one for those passive observers


Yet in the wake of the Obama- Woke Revolution and the harsh Cancel Culture such social advocacy has become a very risky business

This aspect has become one of the most significant declining factors in American Culture

…the ability to dialog using the MERITS of the debate to advance a collective consensus

Like all heresies, Wokeism is just like Communism as it seeks to suppress individual sovereignty along with its own unique creative self determination


We are witnessing the death of this pathology in American Society which needs some brave people to again come out into the Public Square to engage decency within the collective Love that is the core of any sound Social Gospel


It is truly a blessing to be older, educated, independent with successful children along with a notable portfolio of your career achievements

Such a foundation should not be wasted in being a forerunner that can bring together the fraying ends of our collective social fabric


Retirement has afforded the luxury of time that I’ve never had to attend so many meetings

..engaged so many candidates

In my lifetime …my global work has met more than 200,000 individuals

…maybe more

From this my intuition is finely honed – tuned in a spilt second to as the Good Book says

…separate the Sheep from the Goats

The quality of someone’s heart is quickly known to me


In New Hampshire we live in a dichotomy

Like that of what Dickens writes about in the Tale of Two Cities

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us

Such is the stark existence of life in New Hampshire

An elite living better than ever while many others struggle to just keep it all together.

As I tell especially my children – pray for those that suffer as this is the responsibility of the Great Blessing in which we live within


Yet my family’s perspective appears at time out of step with what most people are thinking or doing in American Society

I guess that’s how Ghandi must of felt in the 1920’s ..far far away from 1948 when India gained its independence


My current change agent strategy depends on soft skill relational influence

Candidate by candidate – up close and personal…shaking their hand and looking directly in their eyes

…I feel the true essence of each individual


Carefully I inquire about my perspective of New Hampshire and how do we more than change

…how do we improve the collective quality of life?


At first the question is daunting –for its complex and few people present this supposition in this manner to these candidates

…it just so risky in our current operating environment


Within my many inquires – the Blue Team candidate exhibit wonderful heart, sincere interest but most importantly a willing desire to craft even if its not perfect some solutions to halt this erosion of our quality of life


The Red Team is mired in the past and follows this Contrarian New Hampshire indifference that lacks future vision or for that manner positive determinism

….with a nearly fatalistic perspective that accepts the current inequitable conditions ?

..collectively this is a huge turn off to someone like me


I’ve met Joyce Craig three times now

…yesterday when I came to see her in Grantham

Her first words were --- just so nice to meet you again

…such excellent social skills – impressive -- sincere


In my discussion with her I stressed the necessity to overcome the negativism of this campaign

….advancing positive aspirational themes and her willingness to be a solution builder

..this level of hope is what people are looking for more than anything else


I was assured by Joyce that she is attempting to preach this hopeful message


Yet my biggest ask …was for her to expose the mythology of the New Hampshire Advantage

..and her opponents total lack of authenticity, originality or expressive willingness to tackle these real issues in the lives of New Hampshire citizens

Her opponent stresses repeatedly that under her watch nothing will change

…which is tantamount to further regression and erosion of the quality of life for most New Hampshire citizens

More of the same is exactly what we do not need


I’ve reached out to her opponent several times with no response


Alas …I’m not a member of special interest Granite State Country Club Society

… my family rejected that almost a generation ago as it strayed far from our Social Gospel

…sold our stock and found the exit ramp from that group of people

I openly reject both their premise and perspective

…due to their continued denial of their social responsibility

…that deems them as totally unworthy to lead and serve

This Conformity is the genesis of Mediocrity and our collective decline

My encounters this election with the Red Team have been unfortunate and painful

…filled with anger –a lack of active listening and an inability to engage in rational discussion ?--while they attempted to bully and intimidate me


?My obvious choice then must proceed to those that are not living in the past, are openminded to engage in polite – rational discussion

..and while we may not agree on every issue

The fundamental framework of Collective Societal Improvement renders them most worthy to carry my Social Gospel to at the very least be given the opportunity in the next two years to attempt to achieve these necessary goals


Robert Louis Stevenson said

The saints were sinners that kept on trying


In this manner within this “Change” Election you must make a choice to offer the opportunity to those with eyes on the future, open mindedness to engage, dialogue and come to consensus

Old themes and constructs mean nothing if they are not creating current positive results


I am willing to take a chance here and at the very least allow those that desire to present new concepts the opportunity to prove themselves


..without change there can be no improvement





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