Becoming a business ‘edgewalker’
Lorraine Flower
Conscious Leader (aspiring), Experienced Leadership Development/OD Consultant; Executive Coach; Facilitator
It’s a strange term isn’t it – ‘edgewalking’ and yet a very powerful concept for the role many leaders need to be undertaking in organisations in these times. If we consider the boundary line between the old and the new, the current reality and new changed state we find the line often occupied by edgewalkers.
In times of change there are three very important roles or functions. Those who must nurse or tend to the dying (processes, ideas, ways of working) to make the ending as comfortable as possible. Also contained within this is keeping the status quo intact for long enough to enable the transition to the new without complete destruction. The role of those tending the dying of an old order, state or ideal is a tough one. It’s not that they themselves are resistant to the change but they can see that supporting the old order in the crisis of change requires love, compassion, understanding and care and they consciously apply that.
There’s also the function of those who are off in the distance pioneering the brave new world. In today’s material world we might think about that as those pioneering digital and AI solutions in ways that many of us cannot even begin to fathom. Or those who promote a more conscious, spiritually oriented way of living where the very ideals and values on which humanity lives and on which business are based, are upended from selfish and material orientation to the collective, and universal well-being.
The role of edgewalkers is to navigate the line between these two states – to be forward looking enough to be able to create a pathway, to open up the way for those less able to do so for themselves. To have the courage to experiment, to connect with the current state enough to know how to build the connection points and yet not lose themselves within it and to live with the uncertainty of a future as yet unknown.
They have a deep ability to sense the power of the future state resourced often from a strong inner life whilst also being grounded in day to day realities. It’s a level of consciousness that is broad and deep yet anchored in a stable centre point.
Leaders occupying an edgewalker function whilst also responsible for a large operational organisms or business undoubtedly have it tough. The day to day business demands are a reality and a need that must be met. They must find enough people able to ‘nurse’ or tend the current state with enough vision to know they are taking people forward to something new. Meanwhile, the edgewalker balances enough stability with enough instability to create a new baseline of tension.
Tension in this case as a positive energy – one that like a drum with the right tension in the skin, can produce a wonderful and resonant sound. The tension that pulls us taut and simultaneously allows us to sing. The edgewalker displays an innate ability to seek out or create these points of tension as they help bridge the old and the new.
It’s easy to think that all change is good but deeply seated within the function of edgewalking is an innate sense of well-being for all. Not pursuing any and all change just because it’s there – but reconciling strong people-oriented values with the powerful principles of human evolution – holistically – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Situation vacant: Leader as edgewalker – any takers?