Becoming A Better You

Becoming A Better You

Albert Einstein once said:

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"

If we are tired of where we are in life: if we feel like every situation we are in brings us the same results - then we should take a step back and look at the changes that must be made in our lives. Change isn't bad and it definitely shouldn't be shunned. Change means there is growth, there is movement forward and there is an evolving that is taking place.While we keep our eyes and faith fixed on God above, we must also remember we are given the freedom to make the choices that are necessary to advance our lives and improve our well-being. We have to be careful that we don't become stuck in the same rut wondering if we will ever get out of the hole - or worse yet accepting that hole as the place we are meant to live in for the rest of our lives.

Our dreams, our visions, our sense of purpose - all of that has the possibility of being our reality. No matter how much of a mess we might believe we are in, no matter how tangled our web feels - our heart's desires, our passions in life and our desire to be better than we were the day before is all possible. It starts with us. How do we do it, we find ourselves asking? How do we make the change? How do we overcome the hurdles and move out of our comfort zone into the unknown?

I am no expert, but I am a person who had to get accustomed to changes in my life and I had to learn how to take hold of them and deal with them. I had to learn how to use these uncomfortable moments in my life to launch me into a place where I felt like I grew from where I was. My only goal was to always be better than I was the day before. Here are a few tips I have picked up and I want to share them with you:

1. Seek God for guidance 
My relationship with God and my faith in Him is the number one priority in life. This was not a result of growing up in church and being there 5 days a week. This has to do with my own personal experience with God. I've lived life trying to navigate it on my own, thinking I had to control everything and being so hard on myself whenever I felt like I failed. I have also lived and continue to live knowing that there is a higher power looking over me and guiding me in every decision I make. The latter has brought me immense peace, immense joy and immense freedom knowing that as I take the steps towards fulfilling my purpose in this life, God is on my side to help me face and overcome any challenges that comes my way. 

2. Develop your strengths and accept your weaknesses
We are all fallible human beings. We are not perfect no matter how much we may try to be. We are made up of strengths as well as weaknesses. When we can pinpoint our strong points and work on developing them, we are mindful of our worth and what we can bring to the table. When we are able to distinguish our weaknesses and accept them, then we don't beat up on ourselves when we fall prey to them from time to time. We are also aware of not allowing our weaknesses to overtake a situation and make it worse than it really is. This takes some time, but awareness is the first step. Take some time and make a mental, or written note of areas where you have strived and the qualities that helped you achieved that, as well as take notice of moments where you reacted in a way you wished you had handled differently, so when it happens again, you know how to react in a way that will not bring about regret. As we become aware of who we are through and through, it helps us figure out what aspects of our lives we need to develop and what needs to be changed. 

3. Plan for your future
I'm a planner. Mentally I set these long-term plans and short-term plans, then I reflect on what was accomplished and what still needs to be done. Sometimes it doesn't happen in the time-frame I outlined and I have learned over the course of the years that it is okay. The important thing is to keep working at it. Maybe it doesn't take 1 year to complete but instead it takes 2 - nevertheless it is important to remind yourself that it is still coming to pass. Write them down and create a vision board while doing so. Start with writing your long-term goals at the top and then outline the steps you need to take to get there. Your future plans come to pass even if the smallest of steps are taken towards them - but it requires that action of taking a step forward to put things into motion.

4. Live in your moment 
While planning for your future is a necessity as it gives you a map to follow - living in the moment is important as well. Finding that balance takes time. From my experience this means that you have to be open to some of life's surprises that heads your way. Some are bad, some are painful and some are great. The bad and painful ones while it may throw us off course temporarily (and it is up to us to ensure it is temporary), are necessary for growth and teaches us to overcome bumps and hurdles in life. It strengthens us, humbles us and grows us to be prepared for the next level that life has for us. Then there are the great surprises - the ones that if we are not careful, we can miss because we are too busy living in the future, or the past instead of in the moment. It's the moment that brings us joy, reminds us of why love is so important and tells us time and time again that our bonds and connections in this life are what makes it worth living. Learning to balance that is important as we open up our lives to the changes and evolve into a better version of ourselves daily. 

This list isn't exhaustive by any means and as you go about your journey, there are always more to be added, but let us all remember:

From our knees to the Heavens, with a mindset that we want the best that is for us, we begin to take the necessary steps to get there: to turn our lives around, to stop accepting the same results but instead making the right choices that will bring us into the life we want and deserve ~ KJD

Stay blessed ~ KJD 

Josan Brown- Goode, MBA

Health Services Manager at NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene

8 年

Beautiful post!

Krystle Jenna Dookoo

Associate Business Analyst @ Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) | NYSE

8 年

Glad you enjoyed them Nina Westmoreland

Nina Westmoreland

The Woman Of Service

8 年

Great tips!!!



