Becoming a Best in Class Insurance Agent with David Duford

Becoming a Best in Class Insurance Agent with David Duford

David Duford?is the owner and operator of He specializes in recruiting and training new and experienced insurance agents to become top producers utilizing proven sales and marketing systems such as Final Expense, Annuities, or Medicare Advantage.

He’s operating a highly successful YouTube channel with nearly 1400 downloads in a month 37,000 views and he’s all things about helping other insurance agents produce and grow their business. Has written 3 best-selling insurance sales books – The Official Guide To Selling Final Expense, Interviews With Top Producing Insurance Agents, and The Official Guide To Selling Insurance For New Agents.

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I’m excited about our next guest. He is all things insurance, he’s had a really great State of Tennessee, and before beginning his church career in 2011, he had the opportunity to really dig out of a hole and had it very, very humble beginnings. But his existing business at the time, which was body elite Personal Training in the fitness industry was going down the tubes financially due to the negative economic factors of the Great Recession, and so he went through the ups and downs there, and he finally found some success when he started to become an expert all things insurance. I’m not doing it justice with his intro because it’s a lot on there. But he’s operating a highly successful YouTube channel with nearly 1400 downloads in a month 37,000 views and he’s all things about helping other insurance agents produce and grow their business. Please welcome to share with me,?David Duford. David, how are you doing?


Greetings and salutations. Thanks for having me.


For our listeners getting to know you a little bit more. Would you give us a little bit more about your background and your current focus?


I specialize and teaching agents to sell a specific niche kind of insurance product called burial or final expense insurance, also Medicare and annuities. I’ve been doing the business for 10 years first as a personal producer, desperate to find work and insurance is always hiring as people now and then eventually building into my own agency in 2013 to 2014 scaling up via YouTube and creating an influence in the insurance sales space, and really, the rest is history. I’m still helping agents who are brand new to the business. We’re even experienced Maximizer Commission’s help them grow as agents and really give them an opportunity to run an insurance sales business.


David, I believe we’ve all been given certain gifts, these gifts are given to us to be a blessing help to others. Once you go back to your high school days, maybe your college days, maybe the Body Fitness days. What do you believe maybe one of that one, two gifts that you’re given, and strength superpower, some people call them different things, and how does that help you help and bless people today?


Well, I have short-term amnesia. I mean, not clinically, it’s a blessing. Anytime that you’re in sales, and you got to wake up after a rough day or week and go out there and try to find somebody to sell something to short-term amnesia is a good thing that keeps you focused keeps you going. The day is new, what happened yesterday isn’t a thing. that’s been a huge help to me as a personal producer getting out of there, and I think just I’ve always had an indomitable work ethic, I work really hard. I love to work, I have a passion for it, thank God, I love doing what I do, and it is kind of who I am, and if you love what you do, it does not really work after all right, and I think both of that kind of guided me in the way to lead me where I am now.


Short-term amnesia to be to pick yourself up off the mat of some rep sales days and a relentless work ethic. Those are great gifts, and so now let’s dive right into the show becoming a best-in-class insurance agent. David, what’s the number one secret to becoming a best-in-class insurance agent?


I think it’s just seeing the people. Let me explain what that means. This is an old phrase in the business that really still stands true to this day, and when agents ask well, how can you be successful? What’s the secret to being successful in selling insurance, it usually comes down to three things, seeing the people seeing people. In other words, if you want to have success in final expense, selling Medicare annuities, property and casualty anything, you have to get in front of people who may be interested in your product. You cannot be successful unless you’re doing prospecting lead generation, and getting in front of people that have expressed a marginal interest in whatever it is that you’re selling, and then some people think, oh, maybe it’s a sales strategy that this makes the difference or maybe that’s secret and, sales training does matter. But all of it’s for nothing. If you don’t get in front of enough prospects. to leverage the numbers and your favor. I think if there is one secret, it’s about running a lot of appointments, it’s about seeing and getting in front of a lot of prospects and asking for a lot of them to buy, and if you do that, I think that success is that much better off and closer for you to get


Sales one on one, see this, see the people so the people get in front of them. Prospecting legion, getting with people who have a marginal interest face to face, on the phone, on the zoom, perhaps on the YouTube, which leads into the second question, you’ve grown your YouTube following in your brain online. What’s the number one secret to getting in front of more people, people via YouTube


For me, it’s creating world-class content that resonates with the audience that you have in mind. I think that’s the number one recommendation all top YouTubers will give you is you got to know who your audience is, and you have to know what kind of information they’re looking for. What I specialize in on YouTube is talking about my experience selling final expense life insurance, and I taught my audience free of charge without expectation of buying or joining my agency, how I build for the poor, how I pre qualified, how I position, my product, how I closed what type of leads I used, and this constant information that made a difference in my audience’s life is what built my credibility and built my influence me to the point where I’m a very well-known person in the insurance sales space, and if you’re out there doing any kind of YouTube or anytime, any type of content, strategy, if you just remember the audience and you remember helping them out and over giving more than you think, then they will reward you with business, and I’m a living testament that it doesn’t happen overnight, guys, but give it a couple of years consistently executing you’re gonna find people love and adore you, and you’re their first choice when it at whatever it is that you’re selling, or service you’re providing to work with you.


I’m curious when you first started YouTube, were you speaking to the end-user client? Who is buying insurance or was it always to the business professional? Who is the insurance world? Like what made that shift? Did you see natural growth from clients? Anyways, when you were just coaching the business president curious about that audience?


I started and still continue to talk to the aspirational, new, or experienced insurance agent. That is my audience. I make content usually largely around the possible agent who’s looking at the business judging it trying to see if it’s a good fit, and certainly, those who are now license and find out it’s way more overwhelming than they thought, and I’ve always done that. Again, I started my agency in 2013, and just like a lot of agencies out there you struggle, where are you going to find good candidates to join your agency, and at the time, I just got lucky in a sense, because nobody really was leveraging YouTube to the extent that you could. I just started putting content out there on YouTube, and just hoping for the best not really expecting to be as good as it ever has turned out, and it just lo and behold, there’s a lot of people out there looking for advice on how to sell insurance, and naturally, some of those are going to come to you and want to join your agency because, if you’re giving us good quality information for free, what’s it like working for the guy? Work pretty well?




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