Become a Youtube Rockstar? insights from Superwoman, AIB & BethanyMota

Become a Youtube Rockstar? insights from Superwoman, AIB & BethanyMota

Some insights from Youtube rockstars who have made it big.

Bethany Mota (8Million subs)

    1. she has 8 million friends ( she calls them friends, not subscribers)
    2. when i meet them in person, it feels like i already know them you really get to know them before
    3. you already know what your audience wants, you need to continue to take that risk might seem a little crazy, but can go extremely well.
    4. Equipment: my first video did not have professional equipment- a bunch of books was my tripod, my old camcorder was my video, the window was my light source… now i use tripod, lights and better quality camera.
    5. She was cyber bullied which got her into looking at the content and got her engaged

Lillysingh @iisuperwomanii (5 Million Subs)

    1. 2010 was the first video -fell in love with saying what i want , how i wanted to say it. Youtube is like an outlet, a self medicating way.
    2. 5 years later, 5 million subscribers. Everything has been a super learning process, trial and error. Very rarely a right or wrong answer
    3. She is a prolific content creator- 2 videos a week, v-log every day, Vine, twitter, snapchat, the works...
    4. I try my best innovative- do a live stream every single month - around 14th/15th. persons birthday, can u send them a video.
    5. Equipment- first start- macbook webcam, cheapest lam i could find (light showed up as 7 different colours on my face)- my channel is more about content, its not the production. Ive never used a mic in any of my videos.
    6. Youtube is the centre of the funnel- other social media is used to funnel views into youtube.Youtube audiences fear change a bit- be careful with what you experiment.

AIB- Tanmay and Khamba- (+1 Million subs)

    1. Started doing standup comedy. someone convinced them that tube was a good idea.
    2. TarlaDalal cooking crystalMeth - was their fisrst video, which tanked, one video did well.
    3. 18 months later, they have gone viral-
    4. see the traffic surge after 10 pm.
    5. bid to keep creating and doing something new. feedback immediately from the audience
    6. Indian content creator- we wanted to set a benchmark- the guys who manage us had a productions studio. the key for us was the quality that needs to be as good as film and TV- cast, shoot, etc...
    7. we were at yashraj and did not do a brilliant job- Just because its on the internet does not mean it should be poor quality.
    8. Our last video- we had a drone, with the guys that did weddings.. nobody cares about the shoot, everyone looks
    9. everything has to blow peoples minds


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