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Carlos Payumo Garcia, CLSSBB
WFIS Wealth Management Expert of the Year 2024 | Six Sigma Black Belt | GCash | Treasury Transformation | Governance & Projects Head | Capital Markets
To where we stay as a family, the view at our window is a river where there are stacks of garbage. There are still quite green left to a property across the river adjacent to our condo. Seems Manila has lost its glory. The pollution is really high, when you try to walk, piss and garbage is everywhere. Seems wearing a facemask could still be a trend due to the waste. When someone would say otherwise, it's really obvious that that statement stems from someone who hasn't walk in the vicinity, or benefiting from it. Either way, it's delusional to describe the opposite.
I thought that pollution is just waste and garbage, the smog that comes out from a working factory that I use to describe on an underline. Whenever we see smoke, pollution would always be on the top of our heads. But, no. One of my teachers before mentioned that there's also this kind of pollution that disrupts as well, and that is noise pollution. According to Wikipedia, sound pollution, is the propagation of noise or sound with ranging impacts on the activity of human or animal life, most of which are harmful to a degree.
Commotion and Loudness more often follow me at this stage of my life. I barely diminish the sound especially the noice that needs my attention -- or reaction. Those noise go straight to my brain as a registered waste, nonsensical, idiotic, a loss touch of normalcy, like if I could inject a lucid interval into the stem I would with a full dosage. We can be normal. Please digest whatever has been fed to your head over the years. Sometimes, life is also a f*cking mess. Re-assess, you do not have to believe everything you hear, especially from idols. You also are a creator.