Calder Ross Brown
Business Development | Cyber Security | Owner of CrossFit Sunalta
Has a book ever changed you?
For me, it was on August 1st, 2016. I had just finished reading Ayn Rands “The Fountainhead”. I had never before been so infatuated with a piece of literature. I was hooked, glued to the book. Day in and day out I would read, I could not eat and I could not sleep. When I finally set it down, when it was all said and done, I picked it up and read it again!
Have you ever experienced a book like this?
The Fountainhead is about Howard Roark, an architect who is kicked out of Architecture University at a young age (what a rebel!). They expelled him because he desired to construct a building in his own way and no one else’s. The book follows the architect as he progresses through life, striving to actualize his mission and build “his way”. It does a great job to depict a classic struggle between the individual and society.
In a certain way, I found myself amazed and enthralled with the main character. To me, he took on the persona of a leader or a heroic knight on a mission. Throughout the book Howard Roark never swayed off his course, his motivation and passion never wavered. This was because he had something that some of the most remarkable leaders that ever graced the face of the earth possess. He had……a mission for his life!
Why do so few of us have a clear mission or direction for our lives?
Why is it that we wake up unsure of our reason for being on earth and what it is we are supposed to do?
I am a firm believer that these questions and this lack of motivation can be eliminated. It is eliminated when we discover the power of having a personal mission statement.To have a personal mission statement means having a few lines that govern the purpose of your life and why you are on this earth; it has no fixed end point.
This is important and beneficial because a mission statement gives direction for your life, where you are going, who you want to become/ embody, what is important in your life. When you create one and read it every day (in the morning) it gives you daily motivation and keeps you true to the course you set. With a concrete direction, we gain clarity and consciousness towards how we act around other individuals, answer questions and make decisions. We begin to embody a primal characteristic of a leader. This is the characteristic of having a set destination and vision for our life.
How can a person lead if they do not know where they are going?
When troubles arise in your life; drama, moments of pain or anguish, you are able to gain a 3rd person perspective on what is really important (which is your mission) this allows you to rise above the BS and petty turbulence that would otherwise bring a lesser being to their knees. These moments of turbulence could resemble financial setbacks, loss of friends or family, injuries or anything in between. What will consistently pull you out of that state of confusion and misdirection will be your mission statement, your reason for being on this earth.
How to create it?
Create four boxes on a sheet of paper. Label them “want”, “good”, “like”, “should”. In the Want box write a few things you want to do, Good- things your good at, Like – things you like to do, Should – things you should do. Then look and see if there are any items in the boxes that link to other items.
Your mission should be something you enjoy, that you’re passionate about, that calls upon your natural capabilities and should call upon a greater meaning (something you should do for a greater good).
*take a few minutes to try an example mission statement
Now, this is just to get your ideas flowing. Over the next few days and weeks you should cultivate and think about a powerful mission statement for your life. This will have an immense impact on your confidence, motivation, and drive. But keep in mind it can change as you change your life.
Things to keep in mind
- Try to keep it short and simple – 3 sentences max
- Don’t have a fixed endpoint
- Make sure it motivates and excites you
- Must not depend on an individual or small group of people.
- Let it challenge you
- Try to make it adhere to your ideal self or your vision for yourself
- Make it in line with your personal code (will talk about in the next post)
Here are some examples of mission statements:
A creative output based mission:
I will inspire and motivate the world around me by actualizing my creative potential. This creative potential will be shown in the businesses, art, and lifestyle I create. My creative output will allow me to live in complete independence and freedom while expressing myself authentically. In me, others will see an individual who desires to create and shape the world around him to fit his vision and his ideal life. This will move them to actualize their creative potential and create the lifestyle they dream of.
A career based mission:
My mission is to improve the health and well-being of people all over the world by making positive advances in the area of cancer research. My work will help individuals to lengthen their lives, improve their rate of recovery and improve the quality of their lives. My work will be my legacy and leave a positive impact on the world.
Wealth based mission:
The mission of my life is to create a series of companies in the energy sector. The income from these businesses will provide a life of abundance and happiness. Through this abundance, I will be able to live in complete independence and freedom. My financial success will provide my family with security and ability to follow the pursuit of happiness.
Once you create the mission statement. Make sure you schedule in time to read it. A preferable time would be first thing in the morning, perhaps as part of your morning routine. This way you can go through the day with an increased motivation and passions towards your life’s purpose. Let you mission act as a guide when you face lifestyle decisions. Let it act as an anchor to keep you grounded when problems arise. Let it rekindle your fire when motivation dwindles.