Become a Project SEAL! Step 3: Activate body and mind

Become a Project SEAL! Step 3: Activate body and mind

Exercising your Body: Improving health and creativity

Another advantage of activating your body is that physical activity can enhance creativity.

Today, people live increasingly sedentary lives, inside buildings, in big cities, breathing air of poorer quality and walking much less than before. From studying our ancestors, however, we can conclude that the human body physiology was developed to perform at it best during endurance hunting, which corresponds to running 35 km (22 miles) for 5 hours. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that adults engage in 2-1/2 hours of moderate activity every week, which would represent some 5 km a day, while the real minimum should be 2.5 km. One advantage of this activity is that regular exercise promotes overall physical health and well-being.

Another advantage of activating your body is that physical activity can enhance creativity. I came up with many ideas while running and solved many problems by getting up from my chair and walking away from the computer for just 5 minutes. How often does it happen that you don’t feel well and then you go for a walk outside and – like magic – the joy returns? Going outside, connecting with Nature and receiving those vital rays of sunshine greatly contributes to having increased energy and positivity and helps us to improve our thinking. The sunlight stimulates the production of serotonin and dopamine, two hormones responsible for improving happiness and motivation, respectively.

Gratitude and the Mind: Shifting perspective for a positive life

You shouldn’t wait for your dream life to happen to feel grateful. Feel grateful now, so that you achieve your dream life.

We can decrease the number of times we feel overwhelmed simply by putting things into perspective and expressing gratitude for what we have. Many of the situations that trouble us daily - our spouse not being supportive, the kids being late for school, getting stuck in a traffic jam, receiving additional work from our boss, having to cook dinner after a long day, or even the toaster burning the bread - are not real problems.

Expressing gratitude will increase your positivity. I recommend that the first thing you do every morning is to think about what you are grateful for, so that you start the day with your positivity batteries charged. You can feel gratitude for positive aspects in your house, family, health, work environment, country or city, wealth, and many other things that you don’t notice anymore because you’ve been taking them for granted. Without them, your daily routine would not be as good. You shouldn’t wait for your dream life to happen to feel grateful. Feel grateful now, so that you achieve your dream life.

Summary and practical tip:

In today’s increasingly sedentary lifestyle, physical exercise is not only crucial for maintaining health but also enhances creativity. Research shows that our bodies are built for endurance, yet we move much less than we should. Regular physical activity promotes well-being, boosts creativity, and helps clear the mind. A simple walk combined with expressed gratitude can significantly enhance your mood, increase your sense of appreciation, and shift your mindset toward positivity.

Practical Tip: Incorporate at least 15 minutes of physical activity into your daily routine to refresh your mind and spark creativity. To amplify the benefits, combine your walk with a moment of gratitude. Ask yourself: What am I grateful for today? Today, I am grateful for ____________________________.

I wish You a Fa-Bu-Lux Life?:)

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