Become Part of the Solution

Become Part of the Solution

Last month we described three perspectives that shape the level of commitment and degree of success in an organization that is on, or considering, the journey of Sustainability Transformation.?

Your answers to a few key questions will help decide if you are ready to tackle the bigger wins that are associated with adopting Perspective #1 — the deep dive into ST.?

Are you and your organization ready to:

  1. Rethink your fundamental approach to business opportunities?
  2. See the potential risks in the current way you are operating?
  3. Drive sustainability into the core of your business/organizational model? ?
  4. Use a more inclusive (but proven) method of finding value in both your near-term and longer-term thinking and way of doing business??
  5. Consider your key stakeholders - both internal and external - in your vision of your business in 2 years? In 5 years?

If you answer “yes”to one or more of these questions, then you’re likely ready to adopt and employ Perspective #1:

Take the deep ST dive or more fundamental approach with the bigger payoff ahead for my organization, industry, and community where you will find all the value from pursuing sustainability.

We know that sustainability progress will take curiosity, energy, and time to reap the rewards. Here are a few tips to help you be successful and effective?as you move forward:?

  1. Be curious and strategic as you gain input from your stakeholders; take fast action on priorities that are doable and include at least one or more initiatives that may be a bit of a stretch but can garner imagination and support — internally and externally.
  2. Be energized about what you are proposing, gaining support for, and why. Authentically carry the message and wisdom of sustainability in your everyday presence, and you will undoubtedly attract more curiosity, good ideas, and support. This point is just as much about being a champion with high emotional intelligence as it is about understanding your organization’s operations, products, services, and stakeholders.
  3. If you add in a bit of passion, commitment, and intelligence about how to make change (see module 3) you will surely better understand what success means for your organization; and you will succeed.?

Whether and how you adopt this deep dive perspective is a decision that needs to be made now for you to become part of the solution. Are you ready to employ your Sustainable Value Lens to identify and pursue Triple Bottom Line payoff for you, your organization, and your community? There’s no time to waste and that is no longer a truism; it’s now a truth.

Rory Bakke?is an experienced Sustainability advisor, professional coach, and lead content strategist for REV+ALL.



