Recommitting to Your Vision Daily

Recommitting to Your Vision Daily

The following is adapted from Network Marketing Queen.

When I first joined my network marketing company, I had a welcome call with our lead marketer. He asked me what I was excited about and why I said yes to joining. I heard myself share with him my big vision for myself and my life—parts of which I had never heard myself say! I also told him that I was going to be one of the top earners in the company and that he should keep his eye on me. I knew this was a moment to really show up and make these declarations to him and myself. 

Everything I shared on that call is now a reality. I had a clear vision and made the commitment and decision to do whatever it would take to get there, no matter what. I can’t stress enough the importance of committing and recommitting daily.

Some people make a decision, commit to it one time, and then their focus wanders. A week or a month later, they are no longer committed. To be successful in life you have to make your decisions every single day. Recommitting to your vision every day will not only help you set better goals, it will also help you achieve them. Here’s how.

The Neuroscience of Goals

When you become aware of your deep desires and acknowledge them, it becomes possible to imagine them. If you know that you want to travel to the Caribbean, isn’t it easier to see yourself sipping a cocktail and digging your toes into the sand? 

When you envision yourself achieving your goals, it gives you a sense of pleasure. And, even though it may seem simple, fueling your desires with pleasure is the key to fulfilling them. Pleasure also neuropeptides like opioids, endorphins, dopamine (also known as the “creativity wonder drug”), and oxytocin (which is produced as a result of a close, loving connection with another or self)—resulting in a “pleasure cocktail” (This is a term coined by Eva Clay, MSW, LCSW, CHT) that further reroutes the pathways to your brain.  

This “pleasure cocktail” supports you to be more motivated, inspired, goal-oriented, and action-oriented. It also gets you into your power so that you can make the decisions that will create massive success in your life. You are more confident, goal-oriented, motivated, assertive, and talkative. You care less what others think, and you are more able to make decisions and commitments that are critical for building your business. 

I always tell my team that making the decision to succeed at a high level is a necessary requirement to win. You make that decision by getting into your power as a result of being in your pleasure. Again, this is all backed by science!

Every day, make the commitment to build a thriving organization, reach your desired rank, make a certain amount of money, and most importantly, bless a certain number of lives. Make these nonnegotiables in your life. 

Reverence and Respect

Your business is sacred. Network marketing requires focus and needs to be treated as much more than a side hustle. You can't just show up once in a while and expect to be massively successful. You have to decide to be present, dive in with your entire being, and give your business the respect and reverence that it deserves. You have to commit to it on a daily basis. 

Set your schedule and stick to it. Make sure you give your network marketing business attention, time, and focus. Many people who participate in network marketing view it as a part-time or side job. That is okay if your goals are limited, but if you want to build a massively successful business and create a legacy, you have to view it as much more and do the daily work and rituals that are required to win here in a big way. 

People think that showing up fully, being in action, and playing a big game will take too much energy. Because of this, most people stay small. The truth is that playing small is exhausting. It takes so much more energy to stay stuck than to play a big game in a way that is aligned with our soul mission and purpose. When we do what we love, share our gifts, and serve others, we are fueled with endless energy.

Stick to It

In my mid-thirties I reached a breaking point and found myself sobbing on my knees on the kitchen floor. It was then that I made a decision that my life was going to change. I decided that I was no longer going to be sick or broke. Somewhere deep inside I knew that my gifts had to be shared, my voice had to be heard, and that my message was too big to live this way for even one more day. I made those decisions with every single bone in my body and didn’t look back.

That commitment was the beginning of me being energetically unavailable to not having money or being unwell in my body. I had to align myself to a path of wealth and health, which I continue to commit to every single day.

Your vision doesn't become reality if you have it once and move on. You have to see it, feel it and be grateful for it every day. You have to recommit to it, remind yourself of it, and dedicate your energies to it. Then, and only then, will it come true. If you are willing to put in the work and stick to it, I can assure you that the payoff will be worth it. An unflagging commitment to your grandest vision will bring more enormous joy and energy to your life, and will help you experience the freedom and success that you desire.

For more advice on committing to your goals, you can find Network Marketing Queen on Amazon. To receive the 6 Bonus Audio Meditations that accompany the book, visit:

Dr. Erin Pollinger has been a chiropractor since 1999 and is a life coach supporting women around physical and financial freedom. She leads workshops on Feminine Powered Leadership and hosts international retreats at her center in Costa Rica. Dr. Erin is currently the lead female earner and third top earner in her network marketing company, with no previous experience in the industry. She is also the mother to her beautiful daughter, Willow. Dr. Erin’s passion is supporting women to reclaim their most energized relationships with their bodies, money, and life itself. Network Marketing Queen is her first book.


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