Hey, guys!
Welcome back to Part 3 of this mini-series! If you’ve been with me on this series from Part 1 — AND you’ve actually DONE the practical assignments in both Part 1 and Part 2 — You are WELL on your way to Ad Creating Mastery.
If you haven’t read parts 1 and/or 2 yet, I STRONGLY ADVISE that you go and read Part 1 and Part 2 (And I also advise that you do BOTH assignments to give you good experience by practicing) — and THEN return to this article and resume with Part 3.
I really hope that you guys actually took the time to sit down with pen and paper and actually DID those PRACTICAL assignments. I can’t say this enough: Practice is what eventually progresses you to Mastery. AND I REALLY WANT YOU ALL TO DO WELL.
So here’s a quick recap of the series so far:
Part 1 taught you about what CREATIVES are, about how “cost” is an indicator of how well your CREATIVES are accepted; some fundamentals of The Art of Copywriting; You also learned about The Five Elements of Ad Creation.
In Part 2, I taught about the pros and cons of using a page post as an ad, I strictly PROHIBITED the use of the “Boost” button, gave recommendations for copywriting for ads, creating titles & descriptions to go in your ads, and showed you just how EASY it is to create a simple ad with FREE stock photos and FREE stock video footage right inside the Facebook Ads Manager — no need to go to Shutterstock or any outside source, because Facebook brought Shutterstock to YOU in Ads Manager!
OK, so let’s continue and get into PART 3…
Now I’m going to teach you about your “Asset Library”. Facebook’s Business Manager has done so much to help you simplify the process of ad creation. They’ve created an entire Ecosystem where they’ve connected all of your pages, your Instagram channels and ALL of your library of content, and put it all in ONE place where you can access it!!
For example: If you posted a picture on your page a couple of weeks ago, and you decided today that you like that picture and you want to use it in an ad, you can go into your library, find the picture and use it. You can even reuse it whenever you want, as often as you want down the line, you can test it with different copy, different links, etc. Pretty cool, right?
Here is another example of what you can use as “asset” in your ads:
Let’s say that you have several Instagram posts that got a particularly good response and a good amount of positive comments and engagement. You can use THOSE on your Facebook page as well! Facebook has made it super-convenient for you to set yourself up for success in your content creation, distribution AND, of course — to have the most success possible with your ads.
Whatever you’ve uploaded on your pages stays in your library forever, and you will have access to reuse and recycle whenever you choose, as often as you choose. This is GREAT for both testing ads and ad sets, as well as once you’ve determined your winners. So get familiar with your asset library, and BE DELIBERATE about building it!
And while we’re on the subject of building this library of assets, I’d like to quickly revisit what I told you about in Part 2, about the FREE stock images and stock footage available in Ads Manager. Well, these can be used as assets as well. Let me tell you what I mean:
Let’s say you are a pet groomer or a veterinarian. Go into your stock images, and find LOTS of images about “pets”. Choose the ones you want to use in your content on your page, as well as for your ads. Upload them so you can ALWAYS know where to find them in your library of assets! Of course, this works for ANY niche — cooking, beauty, childcare, healthcare, YOU NAME IT… it’s all in there!
Now, it’s time for your ASSIGNMENT:
PRACTICAL: Go into your Facebook Ads Manager. Locate “stock photos”. Type in your niche (Cooking, Chiropractic, Child care, etc….whatever YOUR niche is), choose a few images and BUILD COPY around those images. Practice doing this often. Every day is what I recommend, because the more you practice, the better you will get at it.
Having your accounts connected, giving you access to all your different creative messages from your Instagram and Facebook pages is a game-changer, and it’s pretty NINJA, if I, the Facebook Ninja, DO say so myself. Additionally, as you upload assets to your Business Manager, your ever-expanding library will allow your creative mind to have more freedom while building ads.
Creating ads becomes easier and faster with time; That is for sure. And Facebook has helped to make it even simpler. Way to Go, Facebook!
Do you want to know the secret sauce to creating viral videos?
#1 Controversial subjects and/or subjects that cause an emotional impact.
#2 In Combination with highly VISUAL content.
If you master those 2 things, you will create viral content on a consistent basis, like I do for my clients.
Tools like Adobe Spark and Camtasia have been made readily available to us. We can now create visual content that captures attention in this VISUAL-FIRST world.
Link to download Camtasia:
Link to download Adobe Spark for video creation on mobile for iPhone:
To register for Adobe Spark early access for Android users:
Getting good at creating visual content takes practice, but with enough attention to this matter, you can become a professional on your own right in a very short time. Every minute you and/or your team spends on this subject will be time well spent.
And ads with good videos are ads that CONVERT!
Now, let me tell you about the importance of using CLOSED CAPTIONS on your videos, and how easy it is to integrate them.
Facebook has made it simpler for us as advertisers, and we now have access that allows us to easily add captions to our videos as described here.
One of the biggest things I’ve learned throughout my Facebook training, came in one of my Facebook Intensive Training Certifications was THIS:
“Create videos for sound off, but to delight with sound on”.
Make sure your video is wonderful VISUALLY, without sound, but if the person happens to play the sound they will be delighted! Your customer has to understand EVERYTHING about an ad just by looking at it.
The answer is Simple — look around you, and observe the obvious. People are consuming their Facebook newsfeed in silence. At restaurants, train stations, public environments, bathrooms, in bed next to their spouses, in vehicles, and even at work! This is a reality you can find most anywhere now.
So when you are creating videos, do this drill: Put yourself in the viewpoint of the reader. Do you understand the message in that video without the sound? If you honestly don’t, then you’d better work on it. Otherwise you will leave money — and ATTENTION — on the table.
I hope this has helped you in understanding how to easily create videos that capture ATTENTION purely through visuals.
Ok guys — and ladies There you have it. The end of Part 3 of “Become a Master Ad Creator”. I’ve been deliberating over whether I should add a bonus part 4 (or maybe even a part 5), because it brings me great joy to share valuable instruction and successful actions and help others to achieve more success and greatness. So I’ll tell you what:
Comment below if you’d like for me to continue with a couple more parts to this series. Let me know if this has helped you. I hope it has.
I’ll be waiting to hear your feedback soon. May you all flourish and prosper.